DAP lied regarding RoS decision

“DON’T TIPU LAH DAP… clear evidence that ROS never all the answers are also in the October 2015 Parliament Hansard – which is yet another indisputable proof”

Lim Sian See

DAP is now saying RoS wants to sabotage them as they said they had run another party re-election on 29th Sept 2013.

Unfortunately, the RoS had never recognized that 2013 re-election – which was supposed to solve the problematic 2012 election.

The instruction was very clear that DAP was supposed to use the 2012 delegate’s list but did not appear to do this.

The letter below dated December 2013 from the RoS to Kedah DAP which is after the -29 Sept 2013 so-called DAP re-election also clearly PROVES that RoS did not recognize the Sept 2013 election – meaning the 2012 problem continues to be left unsolved.

In fact, in October 2015, Home Minister Zahid Hamidi specifically told Anthony Loke in Parliament in a written reply that said:

*“RoS is still probing the DAP election because the party still has not taken the measures as per RoS’s suggestions,” *


Therefore, DAP’s claim that the RoS is 4 years late hence this is sabotage IS NOT VALID as DAP had clearly known all along that their party re-election in 2013 was invalid but did not bother to do anything about it.


