DAP Caught Lying Again – Part 2

SeaDemon Says

Hot on the DAP heels again after catching them with their pants down lying about the tunnel consultancy fees. Now, we go back to the question of the validity of the CEC.

The DAP’s illegal CEC knew since April 2013 that they were appointed illegally according to their own party constitution and could therefore not be recognised by the Registrar of Societies.  Here is a copy of the letter from the RoS to the Tokong.

The RoS expresses its dissatisfaction with the manner the CEC was appointed

In Paragraph 2, the RoS had already stated its reason for believing that the CEC cannot be recognised by the DAP as the manner in which the members were elected to the CEC contravened Clause X Item 1 of the DAP constitution. This is because the CEC included Vincent Wu who, according to the announcement made by the DAP on the 4 January 2013, was not eligible to become a member.

Meeting notice was not sent within the 10 weeks period before the meeting was scheduled to be held

In Paragraph 2.2 it is also mentioned that members complained about not receiving the notice of meeting TEN weeks before the party’s national congress was held as required by Clause VIII Item 9 of the DAP constitution.  This resulted in 753 delegates having their right to attend the congress denied by the party’s manahement, and denied their right to vote for the 20 CEC members.


