The US-DoJ exercise is NOT going to bring Najib down
The trouble is Mahathir has lousy advisers, strategists and spin-doctors working for him who do not understand how the game should be played. For example, Mahathir’s main blogger — who we shall call LB1 (just like Najib is called MO1 and Lim Guan Eng is PO1) — thinks like a journalist. So does Kadir Jasin, Mahathir’s media strategist. These people are no match for Najib’s Boffin Boys and media team (who even Lim Kit Siang admits are good). And that is why Najib is still in power even after three years (and Mukhriz did tell the court that the move to oust Najib started in 2014).
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Take a look at Lee Kuan Yew’s speech in the video below.
Lee Kuan Yew was very careful to not attack the Jews because he needed the US support and even appointed Israel as Singapore’s ‘adviser’
Kuan Yew whacks two of the three Abrahamic faiths. He whacks Christianity and Islam but not Judaism. Why? There are three religions in the Abrahamic faiths and Judaism is the root for both Christianity and Islam. In fact, that most controversial law called Hudud is actually Abrahamic law. It came from the Old Testament. And, in fact, Abrahamic laws are more severe than Sharia laws and there are actually 613 and not just Ten Commandments.
Kuan Yew knew that if he attacked Judaism alongside Christianity and Islam he would be in serious trouble. If he whacks Judaism he would be accused of a hate crime. In fact, if Kuan Yew had questioned the holocaust and said he doubts whether six million Jews were really killed by the Nazis he would be in deep shit. Singapore would be condemned as a pariah state and Kuan Yew would be ostracised by the international community.
Mahathir made the mistake of doing this. He condemned the Jews (and even said that Jews have crooked noses). This was during the time when Mahathir was pissed off with George Soros. So he channeled his anger to every single Jew in the world and even said that America is a proxy of Israel and that the Jews dominate the world through America.
READ HERE: Former Asian leader won’t stop claiming Jews ‘rule the world’
Not long after that, when Mahathir sacked Anwar Ibrahim and threw him into jail, I went to Washington and spent two weeks there lobbying for Anwar. I asked the US Congress to declare Anwar a political prisoner and ‘Prisoner of Conscience’. In my briefing to the US Congressmen, I told them that Mahathir was anti-Jew and related what he had said. That was enough to get them on Anwar’s side and declare Mahathir the enemy of the free world.
Mahathir thinks he is clever in his US-DoJ exercise against Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and 1MDB. Actually I had done that same thing back in 2000. So we know how this game is played. All it needs is money. We employed a Washington lobby firm to handle this project and gave them a six months contract. And I personally met a few US Congressmen to brief them on the situation in Malaysia.
The US supported Anwar against Mahathir in 1998 because Mahathir was and still is anti-Jew
In one briefing to the Human Rights and Foreign Affairs Committee, the Chairman stopped me halfway and said, “Let me try to understand what you are saying. You are saying Anwar is the good guy and Mahathir is the bad guy, right?”
I said yes and he asked me what did I want the US to do. “Do you want the US to impose trade sanctions on Malaysia until Mahathir frees Anwar from jail?”
I told the Chairman that this will only hurt Malaysians. People like Mahathir are too rich to get hurt by trade embargoes and it is the rakyat biasa who are going to get hurt. So we agreed on another course of action (which I am not at liberty to mention here in case it gives Mahathir some ideas).
READ HERE: How Malaysia Became One of the Most Anti-Semitic Countries on Earth
Not long after that the Special Branch detained me for two months and questioned me at length regarding my Washington trip. They told me I am a suspected US agent who is working for the CIA. They said even they, as Special Branch officers, need to wait one week for their US visas to be approved while I got mine the same day. That is proof I am a US agent.
What the Special Branch wanted to know is what I did in the US, who I met, what was discussed, and what the US was going to do to Mahathir and/or Malaysia to pressure the government into releasing Anwar from jail.
Actually, what Mahathir is doing with the DoJ is an amateurish game. If they had given me that job I would have done a far better job than Matthias Chang and Khairuddin Abu Hassan. Najib should consider himself lucky I am with him and not with Mahathir. Or else the DoJ exercise that Mahathir and his boys did would have brought Najib down by now if I was handling the matter.
Najib is closer to the US than most people realise, as this speech shows: U.S.-Malaysia Defense Cooperation: A Solid Success Story
The CIA’s Air America was flying drugs, gold and weapons all over the world on behalf of Asian and Latin American dictators and the pro-American underworld crime syndicate
If you think the US-DoJ is going to be able to bring Najib down then you are definitely ignorant about history. To better understand what is going to happen you need to study the history of South East Asia post-World War II. Even if you can convince America that Najib is the worst dictator and the greediest kleptomaniac in South East Asian history he cannot be worse than those who ruled Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, and so on.
Did you know that the rulers of all those South East Asian countries were dictators who America installed as the leaders of those countries? America removed, sometimes by assassination, the more popular leaders so that these dictators could come to power. And not only did they rob their country once they came to power, the CIA actually helped them smuggle the wealth out in gold to park in safe havens. What did you think Air America was for? Air America was flying drugs, weapons, stolen gold, etc., all over the world on behalf of dictators in South East Asia and Latin America. And the pilots and crew were CIA operatives.
Between Najib and anti-Jew Mahathir: who do you think the US will support?
So, democracy and freedom, the American dream. And the United States will do the right thing and will punish Najib because Mahathir told them Najib is a thief. You had better study South East Asian history after the end of World War II till now if that is what you think. The US was doing deals with the Japanese Yakuza and Taiwanese Triads long before you even heard of the CIA. And the CIA helped move the Yakuza and Triad drugs and gold just as long as the underworld did not make any move against the puppets the US put on the many South East Asian thrones.
Perish the thought if you think that that was in the past, many years ago, and America no longer conducts business in this manner. There is only one way to conduct business and that is might is right.
Why do you think Mahathir is using the China platform to attack Najib? Mahathir is saying that Najib is selling Malaysia to China in the hope the US will listen to him. Seventeen years ago we used Mahathir’s anti-Jew stand to get the US to take Anwar’s aside against Mahathir’s. Mahathir is now using Najib’s pro-China stand to try to get the US to take his side against Najib’s. Same trick that we used back in 2000, and which proved successful.
READ HERE: A Close Encounter With Asia’s Anti-Semitic Capital
But then there is one small difference. The US did not think Mahathir’s anti-Jew stand was going to change anything. Najib’s so-called pro-China stand (according to what Mahathir alleges), however, can change a lot of things. So the US cannot afford to declare Najib the enemy like what they did to Mahathir in 2000. If they do that, and then Najib really takes a pro-China stand, the US will rugi besar.
Of course, the US can play their old tricks like in the past. They can tell Najib that as long as he remains ‘neutral’ or remains pro-US then Mahathir’s complaints to the DoJ will go nowhere because America never wants to hurt their friends. So remain a friend of America and Mahathir will never see his dream of the DoJ bringing Najib down materialise. And did President Donald Trump not say that US interests come first? So it will be in US interests to take Najib’s side against Mahathir’s.
America has this system where if you work for the state against an enemy of the state they give you protection even if you are a criminal. So the US will work with criminals as long as you cooperate against another and/or bigger criminal. For 70 years the US has been doing this in South East Asia. So even if what Mahathir says is the Gospel — that Najib stole RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money (and which the US knows is not true anyway) — the US will weigh between the benefits of helping Mahathir versus the benefits of helping Najib. And the benefits of helping Najib far outweigh the benefits of helping Mahathir.
The trouble is Mahathir has lousy advisers, strategists and spin-doctors working for him who do not understand how the game should be played. For example, Mahathir’s main blogger — who we shall call LB1 (just like Najib is called MO1 and Lim Guan Eng is PO1) — thinks like a journalist. So does Kadir Jasin, Mahathir’s media strategist. These people are no match for Najib’s Boffin Boys and media team (who even Lim Kit Siang admits are good). And that is why Najib is still in power even after three years (and Mukhriz did tell the court that the move to oust Najib started in 2014).