The confusion about who is really heading Pakatan

Salleh Said Keruak

The press conference that Pakatan Harapan held a few days ago to clear up the confusion as to who is really heading the opposition coalition has, in fact, created even more confusion than it has cleared up. Now there are three heads of Pakatan Harapan with no clear indication of where the buck stops. It appears like they are just giving three different titles to basically three people performing the same function.

The political reality, however, is that the party that holds the most number of seats in Parliament becomes the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. In Barisan Nasional’s case this would be Umno, mainly because Umno holds the most number of seats. In Pakatan Harapan’s case, DAP would be the one that holds the most number of seats. And this would mean DAP will get to decide who becomes PM and DPM and not Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad or Anwar Ibrahim, as they are trying to suggest.


