Harapan line up is DAP’s Melayu-skru-Melayu strategy

(TANJAK) – The newly announced list of Pakatan Harapan office bearers is as about believable as any pure intentions Hannah Yeoh might conceivably harbour in choosing to wear tudung.

In short, the official Harapan line up is as genuine as Hannah’s tudung.

Voters would surely think it is surreal how the strongest opposition party (DAP) with 36 MPs can be willing to take a backseat to the party (PBBM) with only a single MP.

Mentality of Chinese voters and DAP psychology

Appearances are deceiving and there is udang sebalik batu with regard to the topsy-turvy arrangement in Harapan. The Chinese electorate is well aware of this … nudge nudge, wink wink.

Or else how can this Harapan anomaly even be allowed to happen − that is, the ultrakiasu DAP apparently permitting the racialist (bumiputera only) PPBM to take the wheel?

Kiasu people, by nature, will never yield an inch. So obviously there’s more going on behind the scenes than meets the eye.

It does not make sense otherwise that DAP – which controls the bulk of the opposition vote bank – can so easily let the untested PBBM grab the lion’s share of Harapan top leadership positions.

After all, the opposition base is Chinese and they were the tsunamic force that caused BN to lose the GE13 popular vote.

Here’s the most rational explanation

The DAP voter base is rabidly loyal. They are like the supporters of Donald Trump (or dictator cult figure) who are willing to accept whatever flip-flops or 180-degree turns by their Dear Leader.

No sin or volte face that the DAP commits can weaken the Chinese pro-opposition electoral support, making them abandon their longstanding anti-establishment fury.

And if DAP can sell them – these Chinese and Christian voters – a flimsy excuse as to why the Harapan leadership must look, at face value at least, like its being led by Malays, then these hardcore opposition supporters will be willing to play along with the charade.


