Hardcore Anwar supporters unable to accept Dr M

(The Star) – A rift has formed in the Otai Reformis group of hardcore supporters of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, over Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s leadership of Pakatan Harapan.

The head of the group Saari Sungib, who is also Hulu Kelang assemblyman, has called for an emergency meeting this Sunday in an attempt to alleviate the rift before it worsens.

It is understood that the group’s secretary Razak Ismail has threatened to resign and join Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM).

Razak, who is upset with the Anwar family for allowing Dr Mahathir to take over, is said to be planning to contest against Pakatan under the PSM ticket in the general election.

The theme of this Sunday’s meeting is “Otai Refomis di simpangan” (Otai Reformis at the crossroads) and Saari said he may also offer to resign if the members feel that the group has lost its way.

Saari, who is also a central committee member of Amanah, said some in the group have accepted that Pakatan has to cooperate with Dr Mahathir in order to take on Barisan Nasional.

But the hardliners see it as a betrayal to their cause. They have demanded that Dr Mahathir apologise to Anwar, his family and the Otai Reformis group to show that he is sincere.

This group still regard the newly installed Pakatan chairman as the “syaitan” (Satan) and mother of all Pharoahs because they often compare his sacking and imprisonment of Anwar to the cruelty of the Pharoahs.

“I am facing a spectrum of emotions in our group. My role is to breach the gap and to convince them that the aim is to win the general election,” said Saari who was twice detained under the Internal Security Act during the Mahathir era.

The Otai Reformis group was formed during the Reformasi movement after the Anwar sacking. It became very active again after Dr Mahathir crossed over to Pakatan.

They had booed and jeered at Dr Mahathir when he addressed them at a convention in Shah Alam earlier this year.

Saari, who has been with Anwar since the 1970s, admitted that he also feels conflicted by the latest development.

“The story is not so beautiful if Anwar has to become PM only by cooperating with Mahathir. I support the leadership but I hope we will not be cheated again,” he said.

