Malaysia Will Go To Top Dog


Not too long ago Al Jazeera interviewed U-Turn Mahathir. In the interview Mahathir told all sorts of lies about the politico-economic situation of Malaysia.  Among the things he said was:

Malaysia will go to the dogs.”

Many disagreed and wondered why, that despite the good showing of economic growth, concurred by the world’s economic institutes, Mahathir said that Malaysia is now as doomed as when he was at the helm.

Mahathir’s 22 years of plundering the nation including allowing the Bank Negara to come to the brink of collapse during his tenure is now being investigated by a Royal Commission of Inquiry and the man is desperate to put the stops to it as it could lead him to become the oldest conman to be jailed.

Even PONY TUA, DAP MP for Petaling Jaya U-Tua wrote about Mahathir’s practice of cronyism once upon a time. Of course like the good Christian PONY TUA is, this is swept under the Pakatan carpet.

Mahathir has hinted that he might have to become Prime Minister again – a very scary thought. Almost all of us remember what it was like during his time to blog and be sent to Kamunting under detention without trial..


