Which one will Kit Siang kill, DAP’s rocket or Guan Eng?

So Kit Siang has to decide whether to save the rocket or save his son. Both cannot be saved at the same time. And if Kit Siang tries to save the rocket his son must die while if he tries to save his son the rocket dies instead. So who is Kit Siang going to throw under the bus?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Sarawak Report and Lim Kit Siang’s blog are playing up the EDM (Early Day Motion) that British Member of Parliament Ann Clwyd brought to the British Parliament yesterday. They are trying to suggest that this is a big thing and something that is going to trigger Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s demise.

Yesterday’s EDM is as impactful as Ibrahim Ali telling India that they arrest Zakir Naik at the risk of 20 million Malay-Muslims sailing across the Indian Ocean to take revenge on 1.324 billion Hindu-Indians. Those who know what an EDM is will know it is as strong as Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad saying he supports Anwar Ibrahim as the next Prime Minister.

If this is the last card that Sarawak Report and Kit Siang are playing then they really habis modal. How many Malay voters are going to abandon Umno and vote DAP because of this EDM?

Actually Kit Siang is trying to distract Malaysians from a problem which DAP is facing. And as MCA said, DAP is just playing Wayang Cina or Chinese drama (READ BELOW).

This is DAP’s new logo for the next general election

In short, DAP’s rocket is already history and in the next general election DAP will not be using their traditional rocket but are going to use the new Pakatan Harapan logo or banner. But DAP knows that the Chinese will not be too comfortable with what they view as a Malay or Mahathir logo/banner. So DAP is worried if they do not use the rocket logo and instead use the new Pakatan logo then they might lose many Chinese votes.

DAP was hoping to use both the new Pakatan logo as well as the rocket. They will officially use the Pakatan banner and at the same time display the rocket logo. It is just like the Umno and Barisan Nasional flags flying side-by-side.

DAP was hoping to use both the rocket and Pakatan’s flag like what Umno does

But DAP cannot do that since they have not held their second party re-election. And if they want to hold a party re-election it must be based on the 2012 delegates list. And if they do use the 2012 delegates list then Tan Seng Giaw will take over and Lim Guan Eng is a dead man walking while Kit Siang will struggle just to stay in the top 20.

So Kit Siang has to decide whether to save the rocket or save his son. Both cannot be saved at the same time. And if Kit Siang tries to save the rocket his son must die while if he tries to save his son the rocket dies instead. So who is Kit Siang going to throw under the bus?


DAP should stop the ‘drama’ with ROS, says MCA

(Berita Daily) – DAP should stop its ‘drama’ of staging a gathering at the Registrar of Societies (ROS) headquarters, said MCA Religious Harmony Bureau secretary Chris Daniel Wong today.

“By holding a placard depicting a coffee cup, what does it mean or what is DAP trying to prove? Does it mean that issues with ROS can be settled over a discussion via a cuppa?

“DAP should just follow the ROS procedures and its own party constitution and hand over the official letter 10 weeks prior to its party election.

“This drama by the Rocket suggests an intention to confuse the rakyat further,” said Wong, before questioning if DAP is really a multiracial party as it claims as there appeared to be a glaring absence of non-Chinese representatives at the ROS office today.

“[…] judging from the photo is DAP really a multiracial party as it claims? Where is the ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ which DAP boasts is its goals, when out of all the DAP representatives gathered at the ROS office, not one is a non-Chinese?” he said.

He said it was unfathomable as to why DAP national organising secretary Anthony Loke has claimed that the party will hold fresh polls for its Central Executive Committee (CEC) “under protest” when complaints over the manner the party elections were conducted were raised by DAP’s own members who questioned the eligibility of some delegates to vote.

“The doubtful eligibility status of the party’s delegates led to ROS nullifying the re-election of DAP’s CEC members and key positions held on 29 Sept 2013. ROS had earlier decided that the 2012 polls were invalid due to a tallying error.

“DAP must look hard within itself. Even for its party elections, the process could be messed up, how can the Rocket even have the ability to organise general or state elections, tabulate the millions of ballots, should it ever win federal office?” he said.

The ROS, in a statement on July 7, said it had no intention of deregistering DAP but ordered the party to hold fresh elections for the CEC.

ROS had deemed that the re-election in 2013 was not carried out based on the list of delegates authorised to attend and vote in earlier polls held on Dec 15, 2012.

Director-general Mohammad Razin Abdullah on Wednesday said the ROS was firm in its decision that DAP must hold a re-election for its CEC.

On the party’s request to hold a meeting on the matter, Mohammad Razin said: “DAP needs only write to ROS if they require any clarification.”

