No need to remember the past says Tun M

(Sinar Harian) – Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad considered the sacking of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from the post Deputy Prime Minister, 20 years ago as past history.

Defending his move, the Bersatu Chairman said his decision to sack Anwar was ‘according to the situation at the time’.

“If we keep on remembering the past, we cannot work with anyone.

“You continue to fight against your enemies forever and this is bad. I do not want to be trapped in the past, “he said in a Facebook Live session in reply to a question from Thailand Multimedia Group chairman, Suthichai Yoon.

During the session, Suthichai questioned whether the former Prime Minister regretted his previous treatment against Anwar.

Earlier, Mahathir had accused Anwar in 1998 claiming that Anwar was involved in unnatural acts and was not fit to be a leader.

Last Monday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak challenged Mahathir to clarify whether he was still holding his stand against Anwar or otherwise.

Mahathir reportedly refused to respond to Najib’s challenge saying that he wanted to forget the past.

Mahathir also pointed out that Pakatan Harapan with his new ally should work together to bring down BN and Umno.

