1MDB motion raise suspicion of MP bribery in early 90s Pergau dam scandal

It is no co-incident that the early day motion was tabled after Tun Dr Mahathir returned from his London family raya gathering. It is widely suspected there was a meeting to collaborate a new spin on 1MDB with Sarawak Report’s Clare Rewcastle Brown.

Another Brick in the Wall

At the end of the previous posting here, there was a link to a Malaysiakini report (read here) of veteran MP, Ann Clwyd putting a motion to debate 1MDB in the House of Commons. For non-M’kini subscriber, more accessible news in The Malaysian Insight (TMI) here.

It is no co-incident that the early day motion was tabled after Tun Dr Mahathir returned from his London family raya gathering. It is widely suspected there was a meeting to collaborate a new spin on 1MDB with Sarawak Report’s Clare Rewcastle Brown.

SR is currently aggressively spinning and promoting this new development and as usual to make it out of proportion.

Nurul Izzah is trying to float the issue by calling on PM to not remain silent. Quite an old propaganda trick.

Ann Clwyd is from the Labour Party and had a past with Malaysia with regard to the Pergau dam scandal. The mere mention of the Labour Party conjures up the image of the flow chart put up by The Third Force in Malaysia Today.



It is the link between former Leader of Labour and British Prime Minister, Tony Blair with Clare Rewcastle campaign in their campaign against Pehin Seri Taib Mahmud and 1MDB. Read here.

Apparently, it is a properly researched effort by Third Force.

According to Wikileak here, Ann Clwyd is an MP from Wales since 1984. She lost her Cynon Valley seat in the reelection in 2006 due to her closeness to Tony Blair. In 2015, she stand again to recapture her seat in the House of Common.

MyKMU here made a research and found that Ann Clwyd was the MP that raised issue on the abuse of the Overseas Development Administration (ODA) aids to Malaysia for the Pergau dam scandal in the early 1990s.

It was revealed that it was a linked to a pounds 1.3 billion arms sale to Malaysia and bribery. The name of Mahathir’s infamous long time suspected proxy and definitely crony, Tan Sri Arumugam surfaced.

This is the same Arumugam, who owns a resort in Argentina and may have paid for Mahathir’s ranch in Buenos Aires but naturally the owner are his proxies. The proxies could be holding shares for Mahathir in a certain IPP.

It is at this ranch that a meeting of all IPP owners – Chinese, Indian, Malaysia and off course, 1Malaysia racial make-up – with Mahathir were held before the GE13. They complained 1MDB’s plan to nationalise IPP and heard the later plan was tolled roads.


