Dewan Rakyat: Chaos after move to discuss 1MDB rejected

Deputy Speaker Ismail Mohamed Said says it would be sub judice, but opposition members ask where else can the issue be discussed.

(FMT) – The Dewan Rakyat erupted into chaos today when the opposition’s move to push for a motion to discuss 1MDB was rejected.

Deputy speaker Ismail Mohamed Said said it was rejected on grounds that it was considered sub judice.

Upon hearing this, Gobind Singh Deo (DAP-Puchong) said Malaysians had the right to know the status of the investigation by the United States Department of Justice (DoJ).

“(Questions on) SRC and 1MDB are rejected.

“If we cannot ask in Parliament, where else can we ask?

“(We are) not asking about 1MDB but on the status. This is Parliament and Malaysians are asking,” he said.

However, Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim (Umno-Baling) asked the opposition to respect the Dewan Rakyat.

“Have some manners,” he said.

But Gobind told the august house that this was a golden opportunity for the government to reply on the matter.

“It is as if the matter cannot be raised. Why don’t we get the opportunity to ask in Parliament?”

Mujahid Rawa (Amanah-Parit Buntar) then stood up to ask the government to respond to the matter.

He argued that the issue involves the country’s image, adding that the place to answer the questions on 1MDB was in Parliament.

“If we discuss it outside Parliament, we will be accused of tarnishing the country’s image,” he added.

DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang said the matter needs to be debated.

However, Ismail said those unhappy with the decision could submit a private motion on the matter.

