Pakatan Ali Baba is hurting Kit Siang bad

So why is Kit Siang so angry? Today, Superman Hew confirmed what Kit Siang denied yesterday. And this is the problem with Kit Siang. He loves denying and makes too many statements that just make matters worse. Kit Siang should learn to talk less. He proudly tells us that he has spoken 10 million words since his political career started more than 50 years ago. But all it takes is ten wrong words in that 10 million to mess things up. And today Superman Hew has in essence called Kit Siang a liar. Tak malu ke Kit Siang?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Lim Kit Siang thought he was clever. Kit Siang wanted to do what Malays would call ‘baling batu sorok tangan’. He wanted to be the power behind the throne but not be seen as sitting on the throne. Kit Siang does not need to be seen as heading Pakatan Harapan because in the event they win the next general election that would mean DAP would own 55 of the 125 seats. And with 55 seats for DAP and 60 shared by the other three parties, that would mean DAP is the kingmaker and will call the shots.

Pakatan Harapan was not being called the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan for nothing. It was DAP that decided to close down Pakatan Rakyat in June 2015 and announce to the world that “Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists”. It was DAP that announced to the world in September 2015 that Pakatan Harapan was now formed to replace Pakatan Rakyat and PAS is no longer part of the opposition coalition. It was DAP that announced to the world that PAN is Pakatan’s new Islamic party in the opposition coalition.

Kit Siang is trying to give the impression that the Malays and not the Chinese control Pakatan Harapan

Earlier it was DAP that condemned His Highness the Sultan of Selangor and accused His Highness of violating the Constitution by interfering in politics when His Highness would not agree to DAP’s proposal that Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail replace Khalid Ibrahim as the Selangor Menteri Besar.

It was also DAP that condemned the PAS President, Abdul Hadi Awang, for bringing the Sharia Amendment Private Member’s Bill a.k.a. RUU355 to Parliament and said it was actually a Hudud Bill in disguise and that the intention was to subject non-Muslims to Islamic law. In fact, PKR and PAN dared not say a single word because they knew that Kit Siang was lying and that the Sharia is not Hudud and had been around long before the British came to Malaya.

DAP condemned HRH the Sultan of Selangor for not agreeing to DAP’s choice of Dr Wan Azizah as the new Selangor Menteri Besar

Look back the last four years since the move to oust Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim was first mooted and you can see that Lim Kit Siang and DAP have been doing all the talking and making all the announcements. Most times PKR and PAN just kept quiet and say nothing because they knew that to agree with Kit Siang would be suicide and to disagree would equally be suicide. So they just kept their mouths shut and let Kit Siang and DAP do all the talking.

Kit Siang knew that he had gone overboard and the allegation that Pakatan Harapan is a DAP-led Pakatan Harapan is going to stick because he and DAP are doing all the deciding and doing all the talking and announcing. So now he needs to downplay his and DAP’s role and not make it too obvious that he and DAP call the shots.

Kit Siang was trying to make it appear like Pakatan Harapan is Malay and instead made it look Ali Baba

And that was why in the recent Pakatan Harapan leadership lineup he camouflaged his role to make it appear like the Malays and not the Chinese are running the opposition coalition. And he tried to con Malaysians by making it very vague as to who from the three is the real leader or whether Pakatan Harapan is headed by three people at the same time. So which of the three Malays — the Chairman, the President and the Ketua Umum — is really in charge?

But that ‘brilliant’ move of Kit Siang confused matters even further and backfired because now instead of being called the DAP-led Pakatan Harapan it is being called Pakatan Ali Baba. And this has upset Kit Siang, as you can see in yesterday’s video below.

But then this Pakatan Ali Baba has been confirmed by Superman Hew Kuan Yau. So why is Kit Siang getting upset? This was what Superman Hew said:

To be good at our job, we must first sharpen our tools.

To kill Umno, in the countryside, Mahathir is one of the most sharp weapon!

Remember, Mahathir is “Public tool number one” and Najib is “public enemy number one”.

Those who hate Mahathir are just fools and do not know what is our mission.

Using “Old Umno” to kill current UMNO is the highest level of Pakatan’s strategy.

Superman Hew revealed that Mahathir is DAP’s secret weapon and a tool to use Umno to kill Umno

So why is Kit Siang so angry? Today, Superman Hew confirmed what Kit Siang denied yesterday. And this is the problem with Kit Siang. He loves denying and makes too many statements that just make matters worse. Kit Siang should learn to talk less. He proudly tells us that he has spoken 10 million words since his political career started more than 50 years ago. But all it takes is ten wrong words in that 10 million to mess things up. And today Superman Hew has in essence called Kit Siang a liar. Tak malu ke Kit Siang?

