Chinese-DAP versus Malay-Umno: the real election issue

They should have left it alone rather than try to hide the Chinese prominence in Pakatan Harapan, and instead ended up proving it is Pakatan Ali Baba after all, because what the Malays hate worse than Chinese-domination is an Ali Baba arrangement. Malays who Ali Baba themselves to Chinese are looked down upon as pariahs of Malay society. So now the Malay partners of DAP, in particular Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, are seen as pariahs who are Ali Baba-ing themselves to DAP.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Lim Kit Siang says the next general election is about democracy versus kleptocracy. If that is true then he and Pakatan Harapan would not touch Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with a ten-foot pole because it was Mahathir who turned kleptocracy into an art form and who killed democracy and said democracy cannot work in Malaysia while only ‘guided democracy’ can.

The next general election is actually about DAP versus Umno. It is about a DAP-led Pakatan Harapan versus an Umno-led Barisan Nasional. It is about Chinese political power versus Malay political power.

The government critics say Umno on its own cannot form the federal government. They say at best Umno can win between 90 to 100 parliament seats and they need not less than 112 seats to retain Putrajaya. Hence Umno needs its friends in Barisan Nasional for those additional seats.

Pakatan Ali Baba, which Malays hate more than Pakatan Cina

That is very true and Umno does not pretend it is not. And that was the reason why Parti Perikatan (the Alliance Party of Umno, MCA and MIC) was formed to face the 1955 elections and then Barisan Nasional in 1973 to face the 1974 general election. Umno knows on its own it cannot form the federal government and that it needs partners based on a power-sharing formula to stay in power.

And the same goes for Pakatan Harapan. Pakatan Harapan needs to be a mirror-image of Barisan Nasional but with one difference. And that one difference is: while Umno is the lead partner in Barisan Nasional, DAP is the lead partner in Pakatan Harapan.

DAP, however, cannot allow that point to be played up. Having Umno as the lead partner in Barisan Nasional is okay because Umno is Malay and the Malays are the majority. But DAP is Chinese so that would make Pakatan Harapan Chinese-dominated and the Chinese are the minority and at best can give Pakatan Harapan 55 seats compared to the 100 or so Malay seats that Umno can get.

Which one do you think is the Ali amongst the Babas?

And that was why they tried to hide the Chinese-dominance in the recent Pakatan Harapan leadership lineup by creating the impression that the Pakatan Harapan leadership lineup is Malay-heavy. But that just made it worse. Instead it gave the impression that Pakatan Harapan is Pakatan Ali Baba. So the solution became worse than the problem.

READ: Pakatan Ali Baba Is Hurting Kit Siang Bad

They should have left it alone rather than try to hide the Chinese prominence in Pakatan Harapan, and instead ended up proving it is Pakatan Ali Baba after all, because what the Malays hate worse than Chinese-domination is an Ali Baba arrangement. Malays who Ali Baba themselves to Chinese are looked down upon as pariahs of Malay society. So now the Malay partners of DAP, in particular Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, are seen as pariahs who are Ali Baba-ing themselves to DAP.

Of course, Mahathir is trying to hide this fact by saying that PKR, PAN and PPBM combined have more seats than DAP alone. So DAP is not controlling Pakatan Harapan. That is a silly argument because it is the party with the most number of seats that calls the shots and not the party that has just one seat seat — such as PPBM.

Mahathir even calls himself the ‘top dog’ in Pakatan Harapan. Top dog or running dog does not matter. Sultan Musa Ghiatuddin Riayat Shah was the top dog in Selangor in 1941. But in 1945, after the Japanese lost the war and the British came back to Malaya, they sacked Sultan Musa and exiled him on an island in the Indian Ocean for the next 15 years and there was nothing HRH the Sultan could do.

So, being top dog, like Mahathir or like Sultan Musa, is one thing but the power to hire and fire lies in someone else’s hands. Sultan Musa was as much a British servant as Mahathir is DAP’s servant. And you are only top dog if your master allows it so. And Mahathir’s master is Lim Kit Siang.


And this is what Malays now know. In the past they said only the rural Malays support Umno while the urban Malays support the opposition. Yes, that was true in the 2008 and 2013 general elections. That was when it appeared like Anwar Ibrahim was leading the opposition charge. But now it is Kit Siang and Mahathir who are leading the opposition charge. And the Malays cannot stand both Kit Siang and Mahathir. And both Kit Siang and Mahathir together on the same boat is even more repulsive to most Malays.

They say Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and Umno are playing the race card to win over the Malays. Are they saying that DAP and Mahathir are not playing the race card? In 2013 Mahathir said Najib has to be ousted because he has sold out to the Chinese. DAP spokesmen such as Superman Hew Kuan Yau say DAP is using the Malays to screw the Malays while Kit Siang is using Mahathir to bring down Najib.

The Umno message must be simple. The Malay voters have to be told that Barisan Nasional is an Umno-led multiracial coalition while Pakatan Harapan is a Chinese-dominated coalition. The Malay voters have to be told that while PAS is a political enemy of Umno, Umno does not oppose Sharia laws and respects Abdul Hadi Awang’s democratic right to table a Private Member’s Sharia Amendment Bill, a.k.a. RUU355, in Parliament. DAP, however, is anti-Islam and is against RUU355. And even though PAS was their partner in Pakatan Rakyat, DAP did not respect the democratic right of PAS to table the RUU355.

PAS and Barisan Nasional preparing Pakatan Harapan’s grave

Umno’s focus has to be very simple. DAP is anti-Malay and anti-Islam. Pakatan Harapan is Pakatan Ali Baba with the ‘top dog’ in Pakatan Harapan being controlled by the Chinese. This is the very simple message that most Malays can understand. And even urban Malays are beginning to see this and will vote ‘Malay’ in the next general election.

Is this a fair way to play the game? Who cares about how you play the game? It is not how you play the game that matters. What matters is winning. And if this is how to beat the DAP-led Pakatan Pakatan so be it. Play that game and beat the shit out of the Chinese-led Pakatan Harapan.

