Mahathir Must Face Reality; Mukhriz Has No Political Future in Pakatan Harapan Without Him!

(THE MALAYSIAN OBSERVER) – Tun Mahathir has to face reality when it comes to his son’s (Mukhriz) political career; and the reality is that is not with Pakatan Harapan.

Even with his father (Tun Mahathir) around Mukhriz has had zero impact in helping Pakatan Harapan.  In truth, he has had little impact in helping Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM). Remember them (PPBM) they were something styled as a political party which like Mukhriz accomplished zilch on the political front.  One would say their sole raison d’être was to latch on to Lim Kit Siang’s DAP-led opposition.

Pribumi is the political party that Mukhriz Mahathir has made his home since he was put out of UMNO.

One would think that Mukhriz would have used this fresh opportunity to reinvent himself and show some leadership potential that was severely lacking when he was still in UMNO.  However, what they say about a zebra and his stripes is apparently true; they don’t change.

Since Mukhriz could not change his stripes (lack of leadership) he can had to let his father try to cover up his deficiencies.  Mahathir could do so when he still held some political sway, but Mahathir lost his mojo and Mukhriz had no means to break into the lane that would lead him to become Prime Minister.

Mukhriz not being able to save his own position as Kedah Menteri Besar proved his lack of political strength in the party (UMNO) or even in Kedah.

If it were not for his father (Tun Mahathir) creating a political vehicle (PPBM) for him; Mukhriz would have been metaphorically speaking; left out in the cold.


