Past “deeds” bears the present “fruits”

 Promises were made prior to coming into power and is considered a “past event”. So after coming into power, whether they will fulfil the promises by “not considering other factors or not doing any changes”, it is just an unknown “future”.

(China Press) – Mahathir the Chairman of Pakatan Harapan disclosed that once Pakatan Harapan comes into power, GST would be abolished, petrol price would be stabilized, special attention given to lightening the burden of the Rakyat, all out to reform the system, anti-corruption blitz, setting up a royal commission to investigate 1MDB and restructuring FELDA.

It will really be a blessing if the change of government can be done smoothly and all the promises carried out within 100 days by the new government formed. However is the “future” feasible as mentioned by Mahathir?

During Mahathir’s tenure of 22 years, the Opposition scolded and labelled him as a dictator. Uncle Lim accused him of destroying the principle of the separation of power. And yet today Mahathir is branded as the saviour of the nation when he is against the Number One official. Once Uncle Lim was a staunch political rival of Mahathir, now he is happily joining forces with Mahathir.

Uncle Lim said it was undeniable that Mahathir was a controversial leader but he had a very strong leadership character. He added the future is more important than the past, and we should focus more on the present and future.

In the past, Uncle Lim and Opposition leaders were strongly against Mahathir’s dictatorship. Now they did an about turn telling their supporters that what Tun Mahathir did in the past let it be bygones. It is more important for them to focus on “the present and the future.”

Present and future is more important than the past

A person whom once just before the general election, had publicly accepted various demands from the Chinese “Suqiu” in principle; but after the election he turned tables and accused the Chinese “Suqiu” as former communist leaders and then initiated “Operasi Lalang” in arresting them; a former Prime Minister who set up the Bumi and non-Bumi policies during his tenure-now he said he wanted to save the nation and reform the system, fighting corruption and etc. Do you trust the “future” which he promises?

Uncle Lim said the present and future is more important than the past. However, under the leadership of Uncle Lim’s son, the Penang state government used to stress on open tender policy, and now he has taught the public that when the “economic game changer” comes to invest in Penang, they can “ negotiate directly, and there’s no need to go through the process of open tender”.

The rule of the game can be changed due to certain factors. In that case, if they capture the ruling power, would the promise of “100 days rule” be forced to change due to special factors?

Moreover, the promises were made prior to coming into power and is considered a “past event”. So after coming into power, whether they will fulfil the promises by “not considering other factors or not doing any changes”, it is just an unknown “future”.

Uncle Lim urged the voters not to look at the past. If there isn’t any past “deed”, there will not be any present “fruit”. At present DAP leaders in principle compromised with the other Opposition leaders just to garner more Malay votes to ride through the “Malay tsunami”. Once they form the new government, will the compromise be continued and further extended especially in the allocation of official posts for the sake of a stable and strong government in power?
