Zahid got rich from business but not worth RM230m, Nazri says

(MMO) – Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi may be rich, but his assets were earned through legitimate business dealings when he gave up his political post, according to Umno colleague Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz.

Nazri is the latest Umno supreme council member defend Ahmad Zahid following former president-turned-critic Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s remark that the Malay ruling party’s second-in-command and current deputy prime minister was worth RM230 million.

“The deputy prime minister got his wealth when he gave up his position as a political secretary, and concentrated on his business.

“But even then, his wealth did not reach RM230 million. If others can become rich in carrying out businesses, what is wrong if he did so,” Nazri was quoted by The Star Online as telling reporters after opening the Padang Rengas Umno delegates meeting in Perak today.

Nazri also joined fellow Umno colleague Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein who separately called for an investigation today into Dr Mahathir’s wealth, and that of the latter’s family members.

Like Hishammuddin, Nazri was reported urging the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to investigate the assets of the retired prime minister and his family as fair play since Ahmad Zahid has declared he is willing for his wealth to be scrutinised.

“Dr Mahathir got the funds from whom and how much were the funds. How much were used, and what was the balance.

“I feel the anti-graft agency must investigate him. Until today, he has not answered these questions, while Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has answered similar questions thrown at him,” Nazri was quoted saying.

According to Dr Mahathir who was prime minister from 1981 to 2003, Ahmad Zahid had made the asset declaration to him in 1996.

Ahmad Zahid has denied having assets worth that much.

