DAP betrayed the Chinese by befriending Mahathir

*Mahathir then likened Suqiu and their supporters as Communists or extremists groups and had implicitly threatened violence on them”

Eric See-To, The Third Force

I noticed that a favourite tactic of DAP’s propaganda to discredit me is for their cybertroopers and FB pages to label me as a “Chow Kow” or “Running Dog” or “traitor to Chinese”.

How can it be considered as betraying the Chinese if I am challenging DAP to own up to their lies and to ask questions of them?

Are these people saying that DAP is a Chinese-only party and that no Chinese should challenge DAP?

Other than any “betrayal”, it is democratic that DAP’s policies, actions and governance of Penang are also questioned.

I would like to remind DAP leaders and their supporters to remember the Suqiu incident with Tun Mahathir in 1999-2000 if you want to know who the real traitors of the Chinese are.

This is something that DAP no longer dares to bring up.

Suqiu (the Malaysian Chinese Organisation Election Appeals) had represented more than 2,000 Chinese bodies and had prepared a memorandum containing a 17-point appeal calling for more Chinese rights which was presented to the government before the November 1999 general elections.

At first Mahathir accepted these appeals and agreed to them.

After the elections, Mahathir went back on his word and said he will not keep his promise to implement those 17 points.

*Mahathir then likened Suqiu and their supporters as Communists or extremists groups and had implicitly threatened violence on them.*


