Mahathir has no shame

That was a very interesting and extremely accurate analysis of Mahathir. And that was before Mahathir decided to attack 1MDB and use that to try to bring down Najib. And even back in 2012, before the whole thing started, Nawawi said, “Imagine what he won’t dare to do to get Mukhriz in as Umno president.” And we do not need to imagine that any longer because he has shown these last three years what he is capable of doing to make his son the Prime Minister.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Mahathir wrote a blog posting three days ago titled ‘Tak Malu’ or ‘No Shame’. Reading through the points raised it is as if Mahathir was writing his autobiography. That is probably what they mean by looking in the mirror.

What in heaven’s name drove Mahathir to write something like that is beyond me unless, as what the Malays would say, Mahathir buang tabiat. Looking at Mahathir’s age this may be exactly what is happening although his family are known to have all lived long lives, which means Mahathir may still be around until GE15…God help us.

If Mahathir can attend the December 2015 Umno assembly hoping he can witness Umno passing a vote of no confidence against Najib then he has no shame

In reality Mahathir is an enigma, yet at the same time very predictable. That in itself is a contradiction because enigmas are supposed to be mysterious, puzzling or difficult to understand. Yet Mahathir is so predictable you know precisely what he is up to and what he hopes to achieve. Those close to Mahathir say you must not listen to what he says but observe what he does because he normally says one thing and does the opposite.

In short, you take the opposite of what Mahathir says as the truth and what he says as a red herring. In March 2012, Nawawi Mohamad analysed Mahathir well. This was before Mahathir decided to oust Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. So at that time Mahathir still had hope that Najib would help Mukhriz win an Umno Vice President’s post and become the next Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, which were all supposed to happen the following year in 2013.

So what Nawawi wrote was before Mahathir turned on Najib and before he decided to sabotage 1MDB and use it as the catalyst to oust Najib. Let us see what Nawawi said.

If Mahathir can allow DAP to use him to oust Najib and allow DAP to use Malays to screw Malays then he has no shame

Former premier Mahathir Mohamad has criticized every prime minister of Malaysia from the late Tunku Abdul Rahman to the current leader Najib Razak, sparing no one except of course, himself. Mahathir has also criticized other world leaders including UK’s Tony Blair and of course George W Bush, the 43rd president of the United States.

The second mistake Mahathir, in his foolishness, made was to pool the major part of the nation’s wealth in the hands of a few. This pooling of wealth in the hands of a few inevitably left the ordinary Malays and Malaysians with just a few crumbs to share amongst themselves, a slow-boil situation that has blown up to today’s red-hot disputes about social and economic fairness. Not only is there not enough money for scholarships, education, healthcare, employment and welfare for everyone, even the Malays who have been repeatedly told by Mahathir’s Umno party that they will get priority, have left in the lurch.

Mahathir did not foresee that the National Debt could be as high as it is today, having ballooned to over RM450 billion. Despite several ‘begging’ trips to Singapore and Brunei, he was politely rebuffed. In the end, he borrowed from overseas by issuing bonds and ‘stealing’ every spare sen from Petronas and the other Government-Linked-Companies to fund his mega projects. Throughout his 22-year rule, Mahathir never saved a sen for Malaysia for a rainy day. And this was his fourth mistake.

If Mahathir can accuse Najib of giving too much face to the Chinese and then himself turn so many Chinese into billionaires then he has no shame

Mahathir is just an ordinary doctor; a general practitioner and not a specialist. His understanding of economics is as rudimentary as the average Malaysian. His idea of increasing the equity of the Malays is so simplistic – use the GLCs. Mahathir’s vision of doing business is by profiteering through controlling shares in as many companies as possible without considering the possibility of losing money. Sad to say, real life businesses involves losses, not just profits.

Mahathir’s ego and unconscious desire to be a dictator is his sixth mistake. He amended the constitution to weaken the Agong and the Sultans and then made sure that the law and enforcement bodies obeyed him. He sacked the Chief Justice Tun Salleh Abbas and closed both eyes when judges were openly bought by those who had money. It would be tough for Malaysians and their investors to fully trust the judiciary system again. This is why the Umno-BN has lost its integrity and the people their faith in the coalition. Malaysians will always distrust whatever Umno-BN does even if it may be well-intentioned.

If Mahathir can go and meet HRH the Sultan of Kedah to submit one million fake signatures on his so-called ‘Deklarasi Rakyat’ then he has no shame

When Mahathir realized that things were turning sour, he handed over the baton to Abdullah Badawi, thinking that he could still control the running of the government by ‘remote control’. But when things were not carried out as he had wished, Mahathir forced an ouster and replaced Badawi with Najib. All through, instead of giving a helping hand, Mahathir continued to meddle with the running of the country. Interfering with the running of the country and disallowing the current leaders to put in solutions that suit the era is Mahathir’s ninth mistake.

If Mahathir can go meet Anwar Ibrahim after what he has been saying about Anwar for the last 18 years then he has no shame

Yet Mahathir stubbornly refuses to accept or to admit to his mistakes. This is one man who refuses to face up to reality. He is not really interested in the welfare of Malaysians at all, not even the Malays or Umno. He only wants to save his face and to make sure that his son Mukhriz will become prime minister no matter what deals he has to execute with the current batch of Umno warlords to effect this.

Ruthless and completely selfish, Mahathir would think nothing of creating chaos just to fulfill that ambition. After all, he could de-register Umno just to stay in power. Imagine what he won’t dare to do to get Mukhriz in as Umno president. But it is this incessant interfering and trouble-making in Umno that will be his tenth and last mistake. Mahathir will doom Umno, and in imploding, Umno will very likely take Mahathir down for the count.

If Mahathir can agree for Anwar to become the 7th Prime Minister and now says it is going to be the 8th Prime Minister instead then he has no shame

That was a very interesting and extremely accurate analysis of Mahathir. And that was before Mahathir decided to attack 1MDB and use that to try to bring down Najib. And even back in 2012, before the whole thing started, Nawawi said, “Imagine what he won’t dare to do to get Mukhriz in as Umno president.” And we do not need to imagine that any longer because he has shown these last three years what he is capable of doing to make his son the Prime Minister.

