Mahathir will be shamelessly shadowboxing tomorrow

Actually Mahathir tak malu. What he does not seem to realise is that Najib is a Prime Minister while he (Mahathir) is no longer a Prime Minister. So Mahathir is not of the same level and status as Najib. In fact, Mahathir has absolutely no status whatsoever. He is not a Member of Parliament while Najib is. He is not a party president while Najib is. Mahathir not only has no status to debate Najib, he also has no status to debate the other 221 Members of Parliament as well because he holds absolutely no position.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Mahathir will have to do shadowboxing tomorrow

On Wednesday, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman announced they are organising a public debate between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

The debate, which has been called ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’, will NOT be discussing the Memali murders, the murder of Jalil Ibrahim who was sent to Hong Kong to investigate the BMF scandal, the Maminco tin disaster, the Perwaja Steel disaster, the Bank Negara forex scandal, Operasi Lalang, the sacking of the Chief Justice (Lord President) and the various judges who Mahathir could not control, the Petronas Twin Tower that Ananda Krishnan got for free after Petronas was made to buy one tower at double the cost, the Bakun Dam scam, the Petronas bailout of BBMB, the Petronas bailout of Consortium Perkapalan, the PKFZ scandal, the buy-back of MAS at 117% above market price, the Boustead Naval Shipyard scandal, and many more.

The ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ debate will NOT be debating all these issues

No, all those scandals may have cost the nation more than RM100 billion, but the ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ debate will NOT be discussing all those. Instead, they want to discuss just one issue, 1MDB. And they need to discuss just this one issue and not all the many other and bigger issues because all those other issues cannot bring Najib down while they hope the 1MDB issue will. Only what can bring Najib down matters and all the rest do not.

By calling it the ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ debate they may not be able to attract as many people as they would if they called it the ‘Jatuhkan Najib 9.0’ debate instead, because in essence that is what it is, a ninth attempt to oust Najib since July 2015 — hell, Najib has more lives than a cat.

The ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ debate should be Mahathir vs Pak Lah

Actually Mahathir tak malu. What he does not seem to realise is that Najib is a Prime Minister while he (Mahathir) is no longer a Prime Minister. So Mahathir is not of the same level and status as Najib. In fact, Mahathir has absolutely no status whatsoever. He is not a Member of Parliament while Najib is. He is not a party president while Najib is. Mahathir not only has no status to debate Najib, he also has no status to debate the other 221 Members of Parliament as well because he holds absolutely no position.

Mahathir is of the same level as Pak Lah although not of the same status

The only person who is of Mahathir’s same level and who, therefore, he can debate would be Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, an ex-Prime Minister just like Mahathir. Even then, while Mahathir and Abdullah may be of the same level, they are not of the same status. Abdullah is a statesman and is heading the most important corporation in Malaysia while Mahathir is now a political pariah who not many people take seriously and who DAP is merely using to try to oust Umno and Barisan Nasional and replace them with a DAP-led government.

Since Najib tak layan, or as the Chinese say, moh tiu the ‘Nothing to Hide 2.0’ debate, maybe Mat Sabu can debate Mahathir instead so that the following video can be answered. That would be more interesting than discussing 1MDB that is already an old story and which has already been replied to many times over the last three years.

Mat Sabu will be attending the debate so maybe he can debate Mahathir instead

