Tony Pua mulut babi

Tony Pua is so full of himself. He can stand there and lie and pretend he is a messenger of God who is bringing you the truth. Malaysians still remember when he said Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim is the most hardworking, most honest, most bestest Menteri Besar in Selangor history and a couple of months later he did a U-turn and said Khalid is corrupt to the core.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

“Arul Kanda unfit to head Khazanah after disastrous record at 1MDB,” said Tony Pua, as reported by Malaysiakini. Who then should head Khazanah? Phee Boon Poh? Or maybe Tony Pua himself should head Khazanah since he is a business tycoon who headed a successful billion-dollar operation in Singapore?

Maybe Tony Pua wants Phee Boon Poh to head Khazanah

“After the disastrous and disgraceful record at the debt-ridden 1MDB since his appointment in January 2015, Arul Kanda should be automatically disqualified from even consideration at the country’s sovereign wealth fund,” said Tony Pua. “In addition, Arul Kanda has botched the so-called rationalisation with the original attempt to sell 60% of Bandar Malaysia to the Iskandar Waterfront Holdings (IWH) Sdn Bhd-led consortium. Despite 1MDB having collected 10% of the sale amounting to RM741 million as “deposit”, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) had to terminate the contract due to IWH’s repeated failure to fulfil its obligations, and it was MOF which had to refund the RM741 million “deposit” to the purchaser.”

Tony Pua is so full of himself. He can stand there and lie and pretend he is a messenger of God who is bringing you the truth. Malaysians still remember when he said Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim is the most hardworking, most honest, most bestest Menteri Besar in Selangor history and a couple of months later he did a U-turn and said Khalid is corrupt to the core.

Malays would call Tony Pua mulut babi. That basically means whatever that comes out of his mouth is najis or filth. Nothing this berayuk mak Chinaman says can be believed. This is one Chinaman who is a descendant of the first women Yap Ah Loy brought from China to work in Jalan Ampang in one of his many brothels.

Yes, Yap Ah Loy was a pimp and opium merchant and he paid his tin mine workers and prostitutes not with cash but with opium. And his workers were all ‘contract workers’ or debt slaves. Hence they had absolutely no rights whatsoever. The British ended slavery amongst the Malay elite when they came to Malaya more than 200 years ago (which was why James W. W. Birch was assassinated) but they turned a blind eye when it came to slavery amongst the Chinese because Yap Ah Loy paid off the British with Chinese women and opium.

J.W.W. Birch assassinated while having a berak in the Sungai Perak

That’s right, if you study history you will know that corruption already existed in Malaya since way back in the 1800s. And it was the Chinese merchants who were corrupting the British. In fact, the Malays learned about corruption much later after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over as Prime Minister in 1981 and when he taught the Malays the value and joy of corruption.

Tony Pua wants to talk about the failures of 1MDB. Okay, let us discuss this matter. Let us discuss how they sabotaged 1MDB in 2013 and 2014 by torpedoing the IPO and by getting Bank Negara to block bank loans to 1MDB. Yes, that is what they did in 2013 and 2014.

Then, in January 2015, when Arul Kanda Kandasamy was put in charge of 1MDB, he presented his rationalisation and debt reduction plan to the Cabinet. The Cabinet, which at that time included Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, Minister of Rural and Regional Development Shafie Apdal, and Second Minister of Finance Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, accepted the proposal.

Muhyiddin and Shafie also approved 1MDB’s rationalisation and debt reduction plan

Did any Cabinet Members — Muhyiddin, Shafie and Husni included — reject the rationalisation and debt reduction plan? If they thought it was a bad plan then why did they not reject it or speak up more than two years ago in early 2015?

Then, when 1MDB started moving according to the agreed plan, they, yet again, tried to sabotage it. They started screaming that Malaysia was being sold to China. They wanted the rationalisation and debt reduction plan to fail.

When Mahathir launched his Look East Policy and practically gave Malaysia to the Japanese did anyone scream that Mahathir was selling Malaysia to Japan? Who built the Dayabumi Complex at twice the budget? Who built the PWTC and the Umno headquarters at an exorbitant price? Who was given the contract to set up Perwaja that was doomed even before it got off the ground? Who was given the contract to set up Malaysia’s so-called national car that has never been viable since Day One?

Mahathir practically dropped his pants and bent over so that the Japanese could screw him good and proper. And yet this is not giving Malaysia to the Japanese? We not only gave Malaysia to the Japanese, we even paid the Japanese to screw us. At least a prostitute receives money and not pays money. We paid for getting screwed.

Do Malaysians still remember Abdullah Ang? Was he not Mahathir’s proxy to set up the first Malaysian Japanese-style Sogo Shosha? And did Mahathir not force many Malaysian companies to ‘invest’ in this disaster?

Read page 240 of Jomo Kwame Sundaram’s book, Japan and Malaysian Development: In the shadow of the rising sun. And note what it says about China. And also note that Abdullah Ang was sent to jail for swindling the company but every day he traveled from the Kajang Jail to his office. In other words, he was sent back to jail every night to sleep but was free to go to office every day.

Oh, by the way, this is the same Mahathir who is now Tony Pua’s boss. And read below what LSS has to say about Tony Pua.


Tony Pua is merely a circus clown whose face Malays meluat tenguk

Did you know that Tony Pua listed CyberVillage in Singapore’s SESDAQ amidst the dot-com boom in the year 2001?

Apart from a small profit in its first year 2001, under Tony Pua, CyberVillage has made a straight 6 years of continued losses from 2002 to 2007 until Tony Pua left the company and joined DAP?

For the years 2002 to 2007, the small company posted net losses for 6 consecutive years totaling SGD11..51million (about RM30 million).

SIX STRAIGHT YEARS until Tony left!!

The worst year was the year 2007 where it lost SGD2.5 million – the same year that Tony left.

If there is a lawyer in the house, could you access lawnet and pull up the domestic law cases against “Cyber Village Sdn. Bhd” for the periods 2002 to 2008?

Other than lawsuits by Berjaya group against Cybervillage for non-delivery, you will also realize that on 28 Nov 2007, CyberVillage was also sued by one Macau-based Elixir Group for USD 284,347.40;  This is actually a company owned by a PRC director of CyberVillage. It’s quite interesting actually.

Read: CyberVillage’s “emphasis of matter”


How to buy for RM440,000 and sell for RM43million five years later.

CyberVillage Pte Ltd was a Singapore listed Public company founded by DAP’s Tony Pua.

Tony Pua was said to have sold all his shares in CyberVillage in 2006-2007 just before he entered politics.

Tony Pua was in deep financial problems as Cyber Village was in the red every single year since 2002.

In the year 2007, CyberVillage auditors were very concerned that CyberVillage was going bankrupt and said so in their audit report:

Hence, in 2008, after years of financial problems in, the listed Cyber Village Pte Ltd Singapore entered into an agreement with Brightsphere Sdn Bhd to sell Cyber Village Pte Ltd, Cyber Village Sdn Bhd and CV Ventures Sdn Bhd for RM440,000 (SGD 200,000) – a cheap Management Buy-out.

Brighsphere Sdn Bhd (804460-P) is a RM2.00 company with 2 shareholders:

– Shieh Yee Beng (f) I/c No: 720426-11-XXXX

– Sua Shii Huey (f) i/c 730420-02-XXXX

Shieh and Sua are the former employees of Tony Pua in CyberVillage Malaysia.

Tony’s wife is the company secretary for In Cyber Village Sdn Bhd. She is also the company secretary for Brightsphere sdn bhd – which means she is involved in the company being sold and the company buying it.

Suddenly in May 2013, the locally-owned but Singapore listed Silverlake Axis announced the acquisition of Cybervillage from Brightsphere for RM42,296,000.

Not bad. Purchase for RM440,000 in 2007 and sell for RM43million just five years later! or about 100 times increase (10,000%).

