The Nothing to Hide chaos is an inside job

What a mess PPBM have got themselves into. That is what happens when you ask boys to do a man’s job. Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman may be a champion debater but he still has a lot to learn about politics. Yesterday’s chaos proves that PPBM is badly split and is not as united behind Mahathir as they pretend. And imagine this is with only 29,000 members. Yet they cannot work as one.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

It appears that evidence is beginning to emerge that the chaos at the Nothing to Hide 2.0 debate yesterday was an inside job. Either PPBM’s own people sabotaged the event when the questions became too tough for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to answer or PPBM is badly split between Team A and Team B and the chaos was the result of internal bickering.

Either way that does not change the fact that it was an inside job and now they are trying to put the blame on Umno and allege that Umno sent agent provocateurs to sabotage the event. The fact is the internal split in PPBM happened some time ago soon after the party was formed. Yesterday was merely a time-bomb waiting to go off and all it needed was a trigger to set it off.

The original four questions in Bahasa Malaysia that triggered the violence can be seen below. Basically the participants wanted Mahathir to explain his current stand regarding Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy conviction, what are PPBM’s plans for the Felda settlements, what is PPBM’s position and strength in Pakatan Harapan considering it holds the least number of seats compared to DAP, and in the Memali incident was the intention really to arrest Ibrahim Libya or was it an assassination?

READ: 13th August 2017: The Day Mahathir’s PPBM Died

Actually these four questions are tough for Mahathir to answer because he either has to contradict himself or, if he does not want to contradict himself and wants to tell the truth, he will be committing political suicide.

It was during Mahathir’s time that many Felda settlements were turned into golf courses and holiday resorts and when the Felda settlers lost their land. It was also during Mahathir’s time that he announced Malaysia must embark on heavy industries and no longer depend on commodities. So what is Mahathir going to say about PPBM’s plans for the Felda settlers?

It was also Mahathir who announced that Anwar is an immoral person who is unfit to become Prime Minister. So is Mahathir now saying he was wrong and that Anwar never committed the crime of sodomy or is Mahathir saying it does not matter if Anwar is guilty of sodomy because that does not disqualify him from becoming Prime Minister?

PPBM has only one parliament seat and may win not more then five seats in the coming general election while DAP won 28 seats in 2008, 38 in 2013, and most likely can win 50 or even 54 seats in the coming general election. That would mean DAP would decide who becomes the Prime Minister.

In Penang, Perak and Selangor this was what happened. In fact, when PAS would not agree with DAP about who should become the Selangor Menteri Besar in 2014, DAP closed down Pakatan Rakyat so that PAS could be kicked out of the opposition coalition. DAP wanted Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to become the Selangor Menteri Besar and when PAS did not agree with DAP they went berserk and punished PAS for not agreeing with them.

So the same is going to happen in the next general election if PPBM wins two or three seats against DAP’s 50 or 54. DAP and not PPBM will decide who becomes Prime Minister. And this was what the participants asked yesterday. How can PPBM with only two seats decide who becomes Prime Minister when DAP has 50 seats or thereabouts? DAP has demonstrated in Penang, Perak and Selangor that they call the shots.

READ: Nothing To Hide 2.0 Debate Turns Into Chaos When Memali Was Raised

And finally the question that triggered the violence — Memali. There are two issues regarding Memali. First is that Mahathir was in Malaysia and not in China when Memali happened. Malaysians, however, for decades have been told that Mahathir was not in the country when actually he was and it was only recently that the truth emerged.

The second is regarding whether the intention was really to arrest Ibrahim Libya or to assassinate him. The person in charge of the PFF at that time (who I personally know) refused to move in because he had been told to wipe out Ibrahim Libya. They then relieved him of his command and sent someone else in. There were reports about exchanges of communication that people overheard where the command was not to arrest Ibrahim Libya but shoot to kill, which was why the commander refused to move in and had to be relieved of his command.

Memali may be an old incident but many questions remain unanswered. The kampung people resisted arrest but then they did so because they knew the order was not to arrest Ibrahim Libya but to assassinate him. And yesterday Mahathir was given the opportunity to set the record straight. But there was no way he could do that without lying.

So they started the chaos so that the whole event can be aborted and Mahathir need not reply to all those questions. Hence it was an inside job. Some people say Memali is an old story so no need to talk about it. May 13 is an even older story and yet the Chinese are still demanding answers. So what can’t the Malays demand answers regarding Memali?

Maybe PPBM can organise a Nothing to Hide 3.0 forum specifically to answer these four questions. Is PPBM prepared to do that? Or are they going to allow these four questions to remain unanswered. They are pertinent and relevant questions that require a response. If not these questions can be used as political ammunition in the general election campaign to embarrass Mahathir and PPBM.

What a mess PPBM have got themselves into. That is what happens when you ask boys to do a man’s job. Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman may be a champion debater but he still has a lot to learn about politics. Yesterday’s chaos proves that PPBM is badly split and is not as united behind Mahathir as they pretend. And imagine this is with only 29,000 members. Yet they cannot work as one.


Soalan Pertama

1)  Pada tahun 1998, Tun sendiri berkata yang Tun bertindak memecat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kerana pertuduhan liwat beliau. Tun juga kata orang seperti beliau tak layak jadi Perdana Menteri. Tetapi baru-baru ini Tun telah keluarkan kenyataan yang hukuman bagi salah laku seks Datuk Seri Anwar di bawah pentadbiran Najib adalah bersifat dendam politik. Tun juga bersetuju yang jika Pakatan harapan menang PRU14, Anwar akan jadi PM.


a) Apakah tindakan Tun memecat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada tahun 1998 atas tuduhan yang sama  juga bersifat dendam politik semata-mata?

b) Dari perspektif Tun, apakah Datuk Seri Anwar sememangnya terlibat dengan aktiviti tidak bermoral liwat ini?   Ya atau tidak?

Sekiranya Ya.

– Bagaimana pula sekarang ini Tun boleh bersetuju yang orang seperti ini boleh menjadi ketua umum Pakatan harapan serta calon Perdana Menteri?

Sekiranya tidak.

– Jadi selama ini adakah Tun telah menganiayai Datuk Seri Anwar dengan memecat serta memenjarakan beliau atas tuduhan liwat?

Soalan Kedua

Saya selalu melihat ceramah ceramah Bersatu di kawasan luar bandar dan Felda kononnya Pakatan Harapan akan menyelamatkan Felda serta membela warganya dari kezaliman BN sekiranya dapat membentuk kerajan. Tetapi apa yg berlaku baru baru ini seorang Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Bersatu Zaid Mat Arip telah ditangkap atas tuduhan rasuah didalam kemelut Felda.

a) Jadi bagaimana Pakatan Harapan nak menyelamatkan Felda sedangkan pemimpin mereka sendiri yg menjadi dalang didalam masalah yg dihadapi Felda

b) Bagaimanakah seorang yg bermasalah seperti beliau dilantik menjadi pimpinan tertinggi Bersatu? Adakah semua pemimpin Bersatu ini dari golongan perasuah? Sebagai pengerusi adakah Tun hanya lepas tangan mengenai pekara ini?

Soalan Ketiga

Parti dominan dalam Barisan Nasional adalah Umno. Jadi Perdana Menteri,Timbalan serta majoriti anggota kabinet adalah dari Umno. Konsep ini lumrah diamalkan di mana-mana pun. Sesuatu yang normal. Sebaliknya, bagi Pakatan Harapan, parti yang paling dominan adalah DAP. Ia ada 38 kerusi. Bersatu setakat ini cuma ada 2 kerusi.

a) Realitinya, mustahil bagi Bersatu tiba-tiba meloncat mendadak dari 2 kerusi ke jumlah yang dominan. Dalam hanya beberapa bulan memang mustahil. Jadi apakah nasib Bersatu dalam pentadbiran negara jika sekiranya Pakatan Harapan membentuk kerajaan?

b) Realitinya juga, selaku parti paling dominan, DAP akan letak orang DAP  jadi PM, TPM serta majoriti anggota kabinet. Inilah bentuk kuasa yang DAP pegang di Pulau Pinang. Apakah demi karier politik anak Tun, Datuk Seri Mukhriz, Tun sedia berkompromi dan membelot orang melayu dengan membiarkan DAP memegang tampuk kuasa negara?

Soalan Keempat

Pada 19 november 1985, telah berlaku satu tragedi di dalam negara iaitu tragedi memali. Dalam peristiwa ini, pihak polis telah diarahkan untuk menangkap Ibrahim Libya di bawah ISA atas tuduhan memecahbelahkan umat islam. Insiden tersebut telah menyebabkan 4 orang anggota polis terbunuh serta 14 orang kampung juga turut terbunuh.

a) Dalam kenyataan Tun melalui blog chedet, Tun telah menggelarkan penduduk kampung yang terbunuh ini sebagai penjenayah. Boleh Tun jelaskan penjenayah apa yang hanya bersejatakan parang dan buluh melawan pihak polis yang lengkap bersenjata?

b) Menurut laporan kertas putih yang telah diterbitkan oleh kerajaan pada ketika itu,seramai 576 orang anggota polis lengkap bersenjata bersama kereta perisai telah diarahkan untuk menangkap ibrahim libya seorang? Adakah ini satu operasi penangkapan atau sememngnya dari awal ianya dihantar untuk membunuh?

c) Adakah Tun yang mengarahkan pihak polis bertindak sedemikian? Adakah Tun mengaku bertanggungjawab terhadap pembunuhan ini?

