PPBM releases video detailing what happened at forum

(FMT) – Party also publishes snippets of a video ‘confession’ by two of the suspected troublemakers.

PPBM has published a video detailing its own version of what transpired during the fracas that ensued at Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Nothing to Hide 2.0 forum on Sunday.

According to the timeline laid out in the four and a half-minute video, a large group of young men clad in red PPBM Youth T-shirts began gathering outside Shah Alam’s Dewan Raja Muda Musa at around 2.30pm.

At 3pm, this group began filling up the hall, sitting on the floor while seemingly avoiding the videographers, present at the forum, from recording their faces.

Some of them wore black T-shirts with the word “Armada” written in front, with matching black caps.

PPBM Youth chief Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman told a press conference after the fracas, that the youth wing had never issued black T-shirts. Only red, he had said.

The forum, moderated by lawyer Azhar Harun, went on smoothly until the sixth question to Mahathir, posed by former Armada exco member Taufik Abas.

He had asked about the Memali incident in which 14 villagers and four policemen were killed in a confrontation between the police and an Islamic cult in November 1985 in Kedah, when Mahathir was prime minister.

As Mahathir, who is also Pakatan Harapan chairman, answered the question to the cheers of those present, a water bottle was thrown in his direction.

Security personnel immediately gathered around the leader as someone from the crowd proceeded to throw a chair, also appeared to be aimed at the 92-year-old.

A commotion soon broke out, with more objects thrown about, including two flares. One of these flares was directed at the stage and the other at the media sitting area.

PPBM also published snippets of a video “confession” by two of the suspected troublemakers. They were wearing red PPBM Youth T-shirts but a caption underneath said they weren’t members of the party.

Three young men, aged 17 to 19, have been detained by the police and are under a four-day remand.

They are currently being investigated under Section 15(2)d of the Peaceful Assembly Act, Section 153 of the Penal Code for rioting, and Section 8 of the Corrosive and Explosive Substance and Offensive Weapons Act.

The Malaysian Insight yesterday cited sources close to police investigations as saying that the trio, aged 17 to 19, were paid to attend the forum.

They were also part of a group that had gathered in Setiawangsa before the Nothing to Hide 2.0 forum began at about 4pm in Shah Alam’s Dewan Raja Muda Musa.

It is believed the youths were given T-shirts bearing the PPBM logo.

“I woke up in the morning, then my friend asked me to go hang out at our usual spot. I went with him (another friend).

“My friend said, ‘let’s go here’. I asked him where, he said he can’t tell me,” one of the suspects was seen saying in the snippet, before both were handed over to the police.

The forum was organised by PPBM Youth for Mahathir to openly respond to criticism against him. Prime Minister Najib Razak, who was also invited to debate Mahathir and field questions, did not show up.
