PPBM member says he was the actual target at Nothing To Hide Forum

(NST) – A grassroot Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) leader has claimed that the commotion at Nothing To Hide 2.0 forum on Sunday was created to prevent more sensitive questions from being directed at Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Shah Alam PPBM Logistics and Security chief Wan Mohammad Ashraf Nasjaruddin also refuted allegations that a chair that was first thrown and triggered the fracas was aimed at Dr Mahathir.

He said the steel chair was thrown towards him from the second floor – allegedly by an organising committee member, when he was waiting for his turn to ask question when Dr Mahathir was in the midst of answering another question regarding the Memali incident.

Ashraf said he planned to lodge two reports, one for being a target of violence during the forum and another over death threats made against him and his family.

“I want to refute allegations by Syed Saddiq (PPBM Armada chief Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman) who said the chair was flung towards Dr Mahathir. Anyone who has seen videos of the incident will be able to tell that the chair landed right in front of me.

“It was flung by an organising committee member, who was wearing a white shirt and seated on the second floor. I believe this was meant to stop me from asking questions. I had previously lodged report on the wealth of Tun and his family,” he told reporters when met outside Shah Alam police headquarters, here this afternoon.

Ashraf said he wanted to ask Dr Mahathir questions regarding the welfare of PPBM youths and why the former premier had been evading from giving clear answers during the supposedly no holds barred talk programme.

He said there was also no truth to claims that the ruckus was created by outsiders, claiming that it was an act from within PPBM to stop members from airing their dissent.

During the press conference today, Ashraf and about 20 others who claimed that they represented 3,000 Armada members, also called for the resignation of Syed Saddiq, whom they said had failed to ensure the safety of members.

He said Syed Saddiq had also failed to take care of members’ welfare, and abandoned them after becoming famous.

On the death threat, Ashraf said it was allegedly made by a party member who posted the threat on Facebook.

He said the person, who posted his MyKad number on the social media platform, had also threatened to find Ashraf’s family members including his parents and children.

