Ah So Wants Police To Wipe Her Arse After She Craps

SeaDemon Says

The Grand Ah-So from BERSIH wants police to stop political violence

Maria China Abdullah, the Grand Ah-So of BERSIH, has spoken out against the silence of the country’s leaders on the recent political violence involving solely Parti Pemecah Belah Melayu (PPBM) members.

She said that this is the first time that Malaysia is experiencing such political violence because the country’s leadership refuses to say anything.  She also added that the Inspector-General of Police and the Home Minister must take a drastic stand to stop political violence.

My guess is this somewhat non-halal Khadijah binti Khuwaylid wanna-be is the kind of mother who would blame the teachers at a PTA meeting for her children’s unruly behaviour and expects the teachers to bring her children up while she spends her time doing her nails and playing Candy Crush.

And I don’t know when, in recent times, did she get off the steamship from England (she was born in England in 1956) that she does not know the history of political violence in Malaysia.  Maybe I ought to share with her some of my writings to show who has been advocating political violence and is now using others to do so for him.

Less than two years before the 13 May 1969 tragedy happened, a Hartal protest in Pulau Pinang ended up as a racial clash that saw 27 dead and 137 people injured.

Violence erupted at a PPBM event in Shah Alam last week after pro-Mahathir supporters threw chairs to stop sensitive questions being posed to the ancient estateman

Last weekend’s violence at the EVERYTHING TUN HIDE event organised by PPBM erupted when PPBM members themselves started throwing chairs at Wan Muhammad Ashraf Nasjamuddin, PPBM Shah Alam’s Logistics and Security Chief to prevent him from asking Mahathir any question.  Prior to Wan Muhammad Ashraf, Taufik Abas who is a former PPBM AMANDA’s exco asked Mahathir about his involvement and thoughts on the Memali massacre that had occured during Mahathir’s premiership.

Taufik had earlier told reporters that he was the target of the troublemakers as they were angry with him for asking the question.  He said that there was no way the chairs were aimed at Mahathir as the stage was quite a distance from where the chair was thrown.

Wan Muhammad Ashraf said it was supposed to be his turn to ask a question after Taufik Abas, who had asked Tun about Memali. But before he got a chance to, a chair was flung towards him and landed right in front of him. Another steel chair was also thrown towards him from an upper floor by an organising committee member.

“The chairs were not aimed at Tun at all, as Tun was seated far away. I believe this was a tactic to prevent me from directing questions to Tun Dr Mahathir,” he told reporters.

You can see the video of the chair-throwing incident here and judge for yourself:


