Selangor Pas backs RCI on Memali

(NST) – Selangor Pas backed it’s party deputy president’s call for the setting-up of Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into 1985’s Memali incident.

Its commissioner Sallehen Mukhyi said the mopve was not to seek revenge against Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who was the prime minister when the incident took place, but to seek justice for 14 villagers killed in the incident.

“The victims of Memali incident had not received full justice for what happened to them. The debate on who was responsible for it continues till today.

“There are so many questions that need answers, many things that we want to know. The country’s leader who was responsible is still alive, so there is nothing wrong to ask him to tell what had really happened,” he said today.

Sallehen, who is Sabak assemblyman, said Dr Mahathir was trapped with questions in Nothing To Hide 2.0 forum organised by his own party, in that he had to dodge from answering questions directed by the audience which had upset many parties.

Pas deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man had called upon the the government to form a RCI on the incident.

The tragedy in September 1985 also saw scores others injured while hundreds of Pas members were arrested.

On Sunday, Nothing To Hide 2.0 event organised by Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s (PPBM) youth wing Armada came to an abrupt stop when a riot erupted during question-and-answer session.

The incident happened about 5.30pm when Dr Mahathir was answering questions thrown by a party member about Memali.

