I am king of Malaysian racists, says Ibrahim Ali

(The Sun Daily) – Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali (pix) has declared himself as the “king of Malaysian racists” at the opening of the Federal Territory (FT) Malay Congress.

“I want to inform all you ladies and gentlemen that I am very proud and wish to acknowledge myself as the ‘king of Malaysian racists’. Any issue with that?” he said yesterday.

“So what? So what? Whoever says we are racist, we are small, whoever insults us, to hell with them (persetankan mereka).”

Perhaps not understanding the difference between being a racist and an advocate of special privileges, Ibrahim justified his stand by saying he was defending the rights enshrined in the Federal Constitution.

“Racist Perkasa’s stand is based on the Federal Constitution where it is enshrined that Malays have special rights,” he said.

He was responding to Tourism and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz’s comment that Perkasa was being racist over its statement lambasting the RM55 billion East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) launching ceremony on Aug 9.

A statement by Perkasa secretary-general Syed Hassan Syed Ali described the ECRL event as “too Chinese”.

Nazri accused Perkasa of being small-minded and not representing anyone.
