MCA: Finally Kit Siang admits to empowering PAS

Ti Lian Ker says it was DAP’s cooperation with PAS via the then Barisan Alternatif that had helped PAS win two state seats and increased its parliamentary seats from 7 to 27 and that is about four folds or 400%

(Berita Daily) – DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang has finally admitted that DAP empowered the Islamic party capture more seats in the last general elections.

MCA spokesman and religious harmony bureau chief Ti Lian Ker said it was indeed heartening to note that Lim had finally admitted that it was DAP  which had promoted PAS from a “regional party to a national” party with parliamentary and/or state assembly representations in every state in peninsular Malaysia barring Negeri Sembilan.”

“Yes indeed , it was DAP’s cooperation with PAS via the Barisan Alternatif that had helped PAS win two state seats and increased its parliamentary seats from 7 to 27 and that is about four folds or 400%.

“In that election, the Chinese voters who were deeply hurt by DAP’s cooperation with PAS had punished two of their most prominent leaders namely Lim Kit Siang and the late Karpal Singh by delivering them a defeat in their contested constituencies in Penang (at the 1999 general election).

“DAP which was punished for being seen to have sold off their principles in their alliance with PAS had then temporarily broken away from any alliance with PAS. Prior thereto, DAP had also broke away from PAS under the now defunct Semangat 46, which also dominated the Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah and Gagasan Rakyat.

“However DAP’s breakaway was only temporary and meant to pull wool over their Chinese supporters’ eyes. Their “now you see it and now you don’t” close proximity with PAS had resumed during and after the 2008 general election. In 2013, DAP blatantly claimed that PAS had abandoned their Talibanese intent and was moving towards a welfare state,”said Ti in a statement today.

This was, he said was their justification to resume their “illicit proximity” with PAS that has helped propel PAS to be the kingmaker they are today.

PAS is able to dictate or assert pressure on the government as a result of DAP’s empowerment of their Talibanese intent at the expense of moderating forces, he added.

“However, DAP had conveniently passed the buck unto MCA to hold back this emergence of extreme right wingers despite their false assurances that they, DAP are able to hold back PAS horses and that PAS had abandoned their Talibanisation for a welfare state.

“Now that Lim Kit Siang and DAP have admitted their culpability to the emergence of PAS as a political force thus making real their Taliban process, they (DAP) should also apologise to the nation for failing to respect or take heed the 1999 general election results that showed that the Chinese electorates disapproved, distrust and do not approve DAP’s alliance with PAS.

“They are not comfortable and do not trust PAS or condone DAP’s alliance with PAS,” said Ti.

