Salahuddin wants Malaysia Today to apologise over article

The Amanah deputy president says a sub-heading in an article in Malaysia Today is misleading and can cause misunderstanding: he does not want Article 153 abolished or MARA to be open to non-Malays

(Berita Daily) – Amanah deputy president Salahuddin Ayub today gave three days to online news portal Malaysia Today to retract an article that can mislead the people, or face legal action.

Salahuddin also demanded an apology from the portal apart from retracting the article.

He was referring to an article titled ‘Amanah leader: Singapore Malays better than Malaysian Malays’ (READ HERE) published in the Malaysia Today portal that quoted his speech during National Wanita Amanah (Awan) convention on Aug 19.

Salahuddin said that a sub-heading was inserted under the article’s title that read: “PAN wants Article 153 of the Constitution abolished and Mara closed down”.

He claimed that the sub-heading did not relate to the published article.

Malaysia Today clearly acted in bad intentions towards me as I did not say that at all in my speech.

“It has compromised my reputation and cause a big misunderstanding amongst the rakyat,” he added in a statement.

Salahuddin said that he will give the portal three days to retract the article and apologise to him.

The article was still accessible during press time.

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