Stop the games. Lay the cards on the table

Isaac Raj, Malaysia Impact

An open letter to Tun M

Dear Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, I have always had great respect for you as a leader since you became the nation’s 4th PM in 1981, taking over from the late Tun Hussein Onn.

When you announced you were stepping down on June 22, 2002, I was there to witness it and was almost moved to tears upon hearing the news.

I waited anxiously as Umno held an emergency meeting that night and was relieved to get confirmation that you will be staying on.

You were a fair and just leader and till today, am still grateful to you for all the development you brought to the nation.

However, it’s time for you to enjoy your retirement and maybe take Tun Dr Siti Hasmah, who has so faithfully and loyally been by your side through all your ups and downs for a long holiday.

She is truly a woman to admire and has been so patient and understanding. You should spend your remaining years enjoying time with her.

You have fought the battle and it’s now time to lay down your arms.

But this has not happened as seen during the recent “Nothing to Hide” debate, which as expected turned out to be a waste of time.

There are no winners or losers in any debate or rally, simply because no side will ever admit defeat.

Tun, you must realise that things have changed drastically from the time you were in power – the dawn of the internet has given everyone unlimited access to news and information.

They do not need rallies nor debates to understand what is going on or which is the better party or leader.

The facts speak for itself. Yes, the 1MDB debacle may be a thorn in Najib Razak’s side, but for how long as you going to hammer the same nail?

Did you really expect the PM to come to Shah Alam and debate with you?

Dear Tun, first you have to come to terms that Najib IS the PM, an MP and the president of Umno.

These are all positions you HAD at one time, but not anymore.

As usual, following the fracas at the “Nothing to Hide” debate, there is intense finger pointing and accusations hurled at each other as to who was responsible for it.

Looking back at the debate, you must be reminded that the commotion was sparked off when someone raised a question over the Memali incident.

You continued to insist that you were in China during the incident, while your former deputy, Tun Musa Hitam stands by his statement that you were in KL.


