As Harapan rallies behind Mahathir, Azmin steps out of the shadow

(MMO) – “Let me move to Putrajaya and we’ll solve the problem.” 

Last Friday, in an invitation-only dinner in Shah Alam, Datuk Seri Azmin Ali provided the clearest indication that he wants to be Pakatan Harapan’s prime minister candidate and that he is ready for it.

The Selangor mentri besar spoke in front of a 700-strong crowd of youth leaders, activists, local community leaders and grassroots workers.

Thus far, only Tun Mahathir Mohamad has said he would take on the post of prime minister, if forced to, if the opposition wins at the polls but cannot decide on a suitable candidate.

Now Azmin has thrown his hat in the ring.

In launching the new Team Selangor initiative which seems to mirror data outfit Invoke, Azmin pledged his support for young people to lead this grassroots platform and engage with local community leaders.

Young people, he said, are the leaders of today and the future. He even joked that working with them has made him look 23 instead of 53.

When Pakatan Harapan announced its line-up last month, Azmin was only named as one of four vice presidents.

While some may brush it off as trivial, positions matter in Malaysian politics.

Azmin has proven to be patient, biding his time as a nuanced operator behind the scenes while others hog the media spotlight.

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