Are there more papers Guan Eng hid from the public?

Media Statement by H’ng Khoon Leng, Spokesman for Land and Anti-Corruption

1. PKR ADUN Dr Norlela Arrifin (pic) had made a statement yesterday that there is an important letter that was missing from the 6th May 2015 meeting minutes on the Sg Lembu scandal that the Penang government had selectively declassified and shown to the public.

2. This letter is supposed to be an inspection and investigation report on the Sg Lembu illegal factory from the Department of Environment (DoE) signed by its director and addressed to the Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Perai (MPSP).

3. A copy of this letter which was dated 24th April 2015 had apparently been leaked online where the DOE had stated that the factory is illegal, is using antiquated method, has no air pollution control system and DOE had urged MPSP to take action on the factory. (please see photo of smoke emissions from factory and the leaked letter)

4. The Third Force blog which leaked this letter (What Guan Eng Kept Secret About The Sungai Lembu Issue) had also exposed that the following month after the DOE letter, a person had fallen into one of the illegal factory’s pits and died horribly. (please refer burn victim photo).

YB Norlela had also stated a few times that this fatal accident had indeed happened on 6th May 2015.

5. I call on the Penang Govt to confirm whether this leaked DOE letter, the date of the accident and the photo of the burn victim are genuine.

6. If they are genuine then it means that in addition to the 2,300% higher cancer rate in the area as evidenced by 11 out of 500 persons developing cancer, the state authority is also responsible for the death of this person who fell into the burning pit as it ignored the DOE’s advice to take action on the illegal factory.

7. Additionally, Penang EXCO YB Dr. Afif Bahardin also held a PC on Wednesday where he had revealed minutes from the of the Mesyuarat Tindakan Daerah Seberang Perai Tengah on 28 September 2015 which stated that the factory lacks safety measures and immediate stern action must be taken on the illegal factory by either the local government or by the Department of Occupational Safety.

8. On top of ignoring the DOE letter, why did the Penang Government also ignore its own district action committee recommendation to take immediate stern action on the factory due to its lack of safety measures?

Malaysians wish to know why the Penang Government was so willing to protect the illegal factory after the 6th May 2015 fatal accident that it dare to continue risking a repeat of the tragic accident of another person losing their life by falling into one of the 31 pits that burns for 24 hours every day?

9. If the above is proven true then the Penang Govt’s protection of the  illegal factory from being closed down expeditiously despite written advice from various parties makes them murderers.

10.  Two cancer stricken villagers from Kg Sungai Lembu had approached Gerakan Legal and Human Rights bureau chief Datuk Baljit Singh for assistance.  Any other villagers that had been affected by this illegal factory can contact Gerakan Legal and Human Rights Bureau if they need any assistance.

