Clare, let’s wait and see what happens on 30th August

“If indeed “Sarawak Report is more than confident over its legal defence,” you should have no problems meeting the 30th of August 2017 deadline, which expires exactly five days from now. So tell me, Clare, can Malaysians expect you to submit all the evidence to support your allegation that Najib paid Hadi RM90 million as a bribe?”


Today, Clare Rewcastle Brown posted this comment in her site:

Sarawak Report is more than confident over its legal defence with respect to what it regards as a contrived case brought by the PAS Islamic Party of Malaysia against it, in a blatant attempt to silence honest reporting and comment that is overwhelmingly in the public interest in the United Kingdom as well as in Malaysia.

Contrary to Mr RPK’s allegations, the substance of the case has yet to be heard.

He would do well not to misrepresent the issues at this stage (or attribute false quotes) given that he himself has been put forward as one of PAS’s key witnesses in their claim, portrayed as an objective judge of the party’s reputation in the UK.

After all, he may have to take the stand in the witness box and face questions on these matters sometime soon.

We would relish encountering both him and Hadi Awang in a London court room and also Najib Razak, who according to these remarks published by RPK, appears to be hanging his own reputation on the outcome of this case brought by PAS, which continues to describe itself as an opposition party to BN.

Now, did you guys spot the idiocy yet?

It appears in a point that says, “Contrary to Mr RPK’s allegations, the substance of the case has yet to be heard.” Can this incondite of a yokel not differentiate articles written by RPK and those authored by me, The Third Force?

I mean, if she can’t tell it was me who wrote ‘Clare Rewcastle Desperately Changing Horses Midstream’ (READ HERE), how does she expect Malaysians to believe her ability to ‘sniff out criminals’ and ‘distinguish a genuine article from a fake one’?


