Penang’s investment growth lagging behind other states

Dato’ Eric See-To

The most recent propaganda from DAP says that Penang is growing under the Pakatan State Government.

This is what is says:

“Penang have recorded strong investment growth of 73% in the manufacturing sector over the 9 year period between 2008-2016 of RM 59 billion, compared to RM 34 billion for the previous 9 years period between 1999 to 2007.” – CM Lim Guan Eng.

However, what CM Lim Guan Eng forgot to tell you is this:

“The country as a whole recorded even stronger investment growth of 74.6% in the manufacturing sector between 2008 to 2016 of RM487 billion, compared to the RM285 billion for the previous 9 years period between 1999 to 2007.

This means that Penang’s investment growth has LAGGED the national average.” – BNSC.

It is very easy to throw figures to confuse the people and engage in gratuitous self-praise but it won’t stand up to scrutiny when the truth is revealed.


