Rafizi’s suggestion on special congress on PKR-Pas cooperation deemed ‘absurd’

Azmin today lashed out at Rafizi, saying that he (Rafizi) should have known better than to air the party’s dirty linen in public.

(NST) – PKR Youth has shot down suggestions that a special congress is needed to decide on a possible PKR-Pas cooperation.

Describing such a move as the “height of absurdity”, PKR vice-chief Dr Afif Bahardin said efforts should instead focus on preparations for the coming 14th General Election.

The move initially mooted by PKR vice-president Rafizi Ramli yesterday. Rafizi had also taken PKR deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali to task, claiming that the latter’s effort to mend ties with Pas was sowing discord within PKR.

Dr Afif, in response, said Rafizi’s statement on Sunday was “wildly inaccurate”, and had taken many in the party by surprise.

“However, I applaud the calm and rational manner in which party members and leaders have reacted.

“This party has been through great challenges since its formation and is unaffected by attempts to cause division or disunity,” he said today.

Dr Afif said it was entirely false to claim or insinuate that it was the decision of a faction led by the Selangor Menteri Besar (Azmin) to negotiate with Pas.

“The decision to negotiate is a collective decision of the PKR political bureau, chaired by party president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. This effort is also endorsed by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is imprisoned.

“Rafizi may not be aware of this since he has not been attending the political bureau meetings for a very long time now,” he noted.

Dr Afif also said that contrary to the insinuations and deliberate ambiguities of Rafizi’s statement, there was no intention whatsoever to include Pas in the Pakatan Harapan coalition.

“The negotiations are solely to prevent three-cornered contests during the general election, and increase the chances of winnability for PKR and opposition parties.

“As such, there is absolutely no necessity for a special congress to be assembled. Rafizi should have suggested to PKR secretary-general Datuk Saifudin Nasution, to call for the routine Central Leadership Council meeting that has not been called since the last one which was on May 19.

“It would be the height of absurdity to hold a special congress for no good reason, when all efforts should be directed to preparations for the general election,” he added.

Rafizi had said that Azmin’s move to mend ties with Pas should be done collectively through a national congress, in accordance with the party’s constitution.

He said this was because efforts to mend ties could make PKR be viewed as a selfish and unprincipled party.

He had also said that the congress would allow both sides to debate the issue and this would allow all PKR members to be responsible without having the need to put the blame on anyone.

Azmin today lashed out at Rafizi, saying that he (Rafizi) should have known better than to air the party’s dirty linen in public.

