Shamsher: I give you one week to respond to TTF, Guan Eng!

Dark Justice

Lim Guan Eng, please, stop behaving like an opposition leader and for once, try to understand the gravity and sensitivity of the issue at hand.

You see, The Third Force (TTF) has, over the period of several days, levied serious allegations against you and your state government. If I can recall correctly, TTF called you a liar and an incompetent leader in the way you handled the Sungai Lembu illegal factory issue.

So why are you still keeping quiet? You should respond by clearing the air (no pun intended) or by suing TTF’s editor, Raggie Jessy, who is a real person and not an anonymous cyber trooper. Otherwise, you have no choice but to tender your resignation.

Remember, you once said – as reported by The Star – that ‘Najib must resign if he cannot explain the allegations in WSJ.’ [Source:]

Instead of walking your talk, you went to Kg Sungai Lembu to give a sudden “donation” of MYR 10,000 to a Chinese school there and, in the process, attacked the federal government for preventing government schools from receiving any kind of financial aids from Pakatan-led government.

Right or wrong, that is not the issue. The issue is the fact that the residents there have been suffering for 10 years and the local assemblywoman has been crying for two years because nothing much has been done by the state government under your leadership.


