What Is The DAP Afraid Of?


“Bla bla bla bla bla…”

In a somewhat anticipated move, Emperor Lim Kit Siang has come to the defence of his breadwinner, Tokong Lim Guan Eng.

In an article published by left-leaning Malaysiakini Kit Siang, in a reaction to MACC’s Datuk Dzulkifli Ahmad’s ultimatum to Guan Eng, said that Dzulkifli should not fall victim to hubris and power, quoting Lord Acton’s axiom “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Quoting the US Department of Justice (DoJ) suit Kit Siang said that from page 339 to page 348 of the DoJ document that it traced the RM2.6 billion that made its way to Najib Razak’s account from 1MDB.

Funny enough audits of 1MDB’s accounts found no money missing, the DoJ has never named Najib Razak as anyone that is involved in the suit, and that PAC members from the Opposition, including Kit Siang’s mule Pony Tua, signed off the PAC 1MDB report saying that Najib Razak is NOT accountable for 1MDB’s dealings.

Pony Tua may have said something to reporters after signing the report but he should have resigned from the PAC and refused to sign should he have had any doubt or disagreement with the findings of the PAC.

He did not.

So why is Kit Siang contradicting his own people in the PAC that includes Pony Tua?

As for the axiom “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely“, Kit Siang should first and foremost look into the mirror and tell that to himself.


