Kit Siang: PAS wants candidates to be ‘suicide bombers’

(MMO) – DAP’s Lim Kit Siang today claimed former ally PAS will use “suicide bombers” to undermine Pakatan Harapan (PH) in the general election.

Lim accused PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang of planning to do so in order to prop up the ruling Barisan Nasional.

He also claimed that the Islamist party’s professed ambition of winning 40 seats and five states in the 14th general election were to divert from its true intentions.

“I do not think PAS’ Hadi and his tembikai leadership will dare to unveil the identity of the 40 parliamentary seats and the five state governments they are certain of winning, for it will show that in all these parliamentary and state assembly seats, PAS candidates will be mere ‘suicide bombers’ to help Umno candidates to win,” Lim said in a statement today.

Pakatan Harapan’s presidential council yesterday decided it will not cooperate with PAS in the general election, following PKR deputy president Datuk Seri Azmin Ali’s continued push for an electoral pact with the Islamist party to protect his Selangor administration.

PAS was formerly a member of the Pakatan Rakyat pact that was declared “dead” by DAP following the two parties’ argument over the push for more stringent Islamic law.

It ended ties with PKR ties year and officially has no links with any of the PH parties.

The exclusion of PAS is set to cause multi-cornered fights in constituencies with overlaps, which could hurt the pact’s chances of defeating BN.

