Sarawak Report fails to meet 4.00pm deadline

Clare Rewcastle Brown a.k.a. Sarawak Report failed to file her defence to prove that Najib Razak paid Hadi Awang RM90 million at 4.00pm UK time yesterday, 30th August 2017. She asked the court for an extension of time but the judge rejected her application. The case will, therefore, proceed in October 2017.


At 4.00pm United Kingdom (UK) time, Sarawak Report’s Chief Editor, Clare Rewcastle Brown, failed to furnish a London Court with evidence that Malaysian premier Najib Razak bribed PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang RM90 million. Her failure to do so violates a Court Order dated 2nd August 2017 (see below) that required her to file and serve her defence by the stipulated date.

To recap, and in short, Clare is being sued over a Sarawak Report editorial alleging that Najib bribed Hadi RM90 million to solicit political favours from the latter. The PAS president asked his United Kingdom (UK) based lawyers to send her three letters demanding that she apologise for the false allegation but the apology never came.

READ: Clare, Let’s Wait And See What Happens On 30th August

It didn’t because the extremely recalcitrant and preponderant Ms. Rewcastle ignored the letters and told the judge that she received dozens of such letters, none of which ended in court battles. Earlier today, she asked the judge to grant her an extension to submit her case against Hadi but it was refused.

Despite having ample time since last year to put together her evidence, Clare failed to offer a shred of it, meaning the abundance of documents she claims to possess against Najib are nothing but fabrications. The judge probably knew that. I mean, if indeed the documents were genuine, why is she so reluctant to adduce them? Wouldn’t the submission of such ‘evidences’ have convinced the judge that Najib was a shoddy character capable of bribing someone like Hadi?


