Monthly Archives

August 2017


(Roslan Sms) - Awal pagi tadi Majlis Presiden Pakatan Harapan telah mengeluarkan kenyataan setelah berbincang sepanjang malam mengisytiharkan bahawa mereka tidak akan berkerjasama dengan PAS bagi…


(Roslan Sms) - Atas bertubi-tubi tuntuan dan desakkan rakyat Malaysia sebelum ini akhirnya hari ini kita bebas dari ISA atau Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri. Akta zalim ini memberikan kuasa…

Mirror, mirror, on the wall

There is an old fable about this very evil and jealous queen who cannot stand other people being greater than her. She had this mirror on the wall and every day she would ask the mirror, ‘Mirror,…

In the interest of justice?

The old fellow had been powerless for a long time and was in no way able to stop an RCI into the Bank Negara losses or Memali. Why wait until now? Azmi Sharom, Sin Chew Daily Royal…

What Is The DAP Afraid Of?

SEADEMON SAYS “Bla bla bla bla bla…” In a somewhat anticipated move, Emperor Lim Kit Siang has come to the defence of his breadwinner, Tokong Lim Guan Eng. In an article published by…

What Illegal Detention?

SeaDemon Says “Bos! SPRM manyak bagus. Kasi gua free t-shirt!” In another blatant attempt to paint a bad picture on the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commision (MACC), lawyer and also DAP…

Malay tsunami – fact or psywar?

DAP has been talking about a Malay tsunami that will carry Pakatan Harapan to power. But without PAS in the coalition, where is the giant wave of Malay votes going to come from?  Joceline Tan,…