Monthly Archives

August 2017

What is Kit Siang’s strategy?

Salleh Said Keruak Lim Kit Siang realises that Pakatan Harapan’s strategy is not working. He initially thought that the PAS breakaway party, PAN, and the Umno breakaway party, PPBM, would be…

Islam makes the Malays weak

Confusing is it not? The Tunku was ousted because he was accused of neglecting the Malays and they triggered May 13 as the catalyst to oust him and now they say the Malaysian Malays are failures…

I am Malay and Muslim and proud of it

The Chinese and Indians are playing the race and religion card. The Malays are worried that if they do the same they will get called racists and extremists. As Tun Musa Hitam once said 30 years ago,…

Probable scenarios of GE14

If as we have unfortunately expected, just as BN was being greatly hit by HINDRAF in the 2008 election, in this coming election Pakatan Harapan will probably be quietly hit by the Indian…

The Country Will Not Survive Without Me

The love and lust for power take them to a stage that they think they are indispensable for the country. The country cannot prosper without them. F R Chowdhury Corruption comes in different…

Selangor Pas backs RCI on Memali

(NST) - Selangor Pas backed it’s party deputy president's call for the setting-up of Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into 1985's Memali incident. Its commissioner Sallehen Mukhyi said the…

An open letter to Pakatan’s defenders

Don’t pretend to be any better than the Umno and BN mouthpieces you so despise. Don’t pretend you want to save Malaysia. What you crave is not genuine change, but regime change. Sebastian Loh,…

Pribumi’s Catch-22

It is inconceivable Pribumi can muster greater moral legitimacy when it is a near copy of the team it seeks to defeat. Praba Ganesan, The Malay Mail Online Pribumi is dead in the water. Last…