Clare Rewcastle Brown’s endless possibilities

“As long as Clare Rewcastle Brown gets paid, she will continue to pull wool over your eyes with shoddy tales wrapped around conjectures and hearsay, none of which are substantiated, none of which hold in the court of law”


Clare Rewcastle Brown is up to her tricks again.

Despite failing to furnish a London court with the evidence that Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak bribed PAS president Dato’ Seri Abdul Hadi Awang RM90 million, the Sarawak Report chief editor is back training her guns on the Prime Minister, this time implying that he lobbied the United States (US) government for a meeting with President Donald J. Trump.

This is what she said:

“There is a possibility that Najib’s heavily funded lobbying delivered on its promises and that the right people were paid to suggest the cheery invitation. After all, Obama played golf with Najib after his own trusted fundraiser netted half a million ringgit from 1MDB. There is also a possibility that the President’s family companies might have interests to be stroked in Najib’s neck of the woods, Malaysians know all about those sorts of manoeuvres.”

And in the same posting, she had this to add:

“There has been another more sinister development, which many are speculating might be related, namely the mysterious shooting incident in the compound of the house of the former AG (the man who drew up charges against Najib) wounding his personal driver yesterday.”

See how slimy this so-called ‘whistleblower’ is?

Notice how she speaks of “possibilities”, “which might be related” and “companies that might have interests” — words and phrases that are of a tone with the fluff Malaysiakini and Free Malaysia Today dish out almost on a daily basis?

Yes, the standard of journalism in Malaysia is now at a new low.

The secret to persuasive reporting is no longer the element of credibility, but the merits of political expediency. You do not write to tell people the truth – you simply write what your political paymasters want them to perceive to be the truth. You then run a campaign to recycle the disinformation with multiple flavours and tones, such that the untruth is gradually taken to be the truth. And that’s how Ms. Rewcastle got Malaysians to believe that Najib dissipated RM42 billion of 1MDB funds into thin air.


