Sarawak Report kantoi in its own web of lies

The question is how much is Sarawak Report receiving from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad? Khairuddin Abu Hassan said Mahathir has paid them RM10 million so far and that the old man will also be covering their legal expenses, which may come to RM10 million if they lose their case and cannot prove that Najib paid Hadi RM90 million. Is Khairuddin lying about that amount or is it actually more than that?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Khairuddin said Mahathir has paid Sarawak Report RM10 million so far and will be covering their RM10 million legal costs as well

The Third Force came out with two articles regarding Sarawak Report, which you can read here:

1. Clare Rewcastle Brown’s Endless Possibilities

2. Sarawak Report Fails To Meet 4.00pm Deadline

Malays have a saying: sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga. That means Sarawak Report’s chief editor could be the best spinner in the UK, but in the end she still gets caught in her own web of lies

In their latest blog posting Sarawak Report said, “There has been another more sinister development, which many are speculating might be related, namely the mysterious shooting incident in the compound of the house of the former AG (the man who drew up charges against Najib) wounding his personal driver yesterday.”

There is a possibility that Najib’s heavily funded lobbying delivered on its promises and that the right people were paid to suggest the cheery invitation. After all, Obama played golf with Najib after his own trusted fundraiser netted half a million ringgit from 1MDB. There is also a possibility that the President’s family companies might have interests to be stroked in Najib’s neck of the woods, Malaysians know all about those sorts of manoeuvres.”

Sarawak Report is suggesting that Najib paid for the meeting with Trump

As usual, Sarawak Report uses words and phrases such as ‘which many are speculating might be related’, ‘there is a possibility that Najib’s heavily funded lobbying’, ‘there is also a possibility that the President’s family companies might have interests.’

For years Sarawak Report has been playing with words and phrases such as ‘many are speculating’, ‘might be related’, ‘there is a possibility’, ‘might have interests’, and so on. However, in the same breath they will say their reports are backed by reliable information and hard evidence in the form of ‘documents which we have sighted’. Yes, this is their favourite phrase: documents which we have sighted.

Sarawak Report keeps insisting that their reports are based on the truth and backed by evidence. And when she accused Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak of bribing PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang RM90 million she said this is based on the truth that is backed by evidence.

But then she had one year to show this evidence that she said she has. However, on 30th August 2017, she failed to meet the 4.00pm deadline to submit this evidence to the court, which she claims she has. And she also asked the court for an extension of time, presumably so that she can come up with the evidence, which the court refused to grant her.

It looks like sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga. Now Sarawak Report has nowhere to hide. They know they are in trouble with the allegation that Najib paid Hadi RM90 million as a bribe. So they are tying to distract Malaysians by suggesting that Najib has now bribed President Trump to get invited to the White House.

Sarawak Report is costing Mahathir more money than it is worth

The question is how much is Sarawak Report receiving from Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad? Khairuddin Abu Hassan said Mahathir has paid them RM10 million so far and that the old man will also be covering their legal expenses, which may come to RM10 million if they lose their case and cannot prove that Najib paid Hadi RM90 million. Is Khairuddin lying about that amount or is it actually more than that?

The problem is Khairuddin has a big mouth, as those who know him personally can testify, and nothing stays a secret if Khairuddin knows about it. According to talk within Mahathir’s circle, Khairuddin has now become more of a liability than an asset and the old man no longer wants to carry him. So Khairuddin is now not getting the funding he used to get, so he may want to change masters. He is hoping that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak might employ him and then he can spill the beans and reveal what Mahathir has been up to these last three years.

But then Najib would not want a person like Khairuddin in his team because he is just going to end up like another Ezam Mohd Nor, Zahid Md Arip, and many more. These people are toxic and the farther you stay away from them the better. And Sarawak Report might prove to be a bad investment as well come October when they need to go to court to prove that Najib paid Hadi RM90 million.

