Najib already totally demolished Mahathir in December 2015

If Ali Cordoba wants to do a so-called political analysis then he has to learn to do it better than the one he did below. His analysis is an amateur job. He should stick to what he knows best and not venture into territory he knows very little about. This is like a nasi lemak seller trying to lecture on the subject of brain surgery.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Ali Cordoba wrote an opinion piece today (which you can read below) that is basically stating the obvious — such as saying that water is wet. What is the purpose of such a piece, which is a weak attempt at suggesting that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a victim of a witch-hunt, while Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is the villain in this witch-hunt?

When Mahathir launched his attack on Najib back in December 2014 was it not with intent to oust the Prime Minister as punishment for not helping his son, Mukhriz, win an Umno Vice President’s seat? And when Mahathir said RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money had disappeared into thin air and that Najib had stolen it was that not also an attempt to oust the Prime Minister?

Mahathir started the hunt. And he proclaimed himself the head hunter. Now the hunter is the hunted while the hunted turned around to lead the hunt against he who used to be the head hunter. So why the fook is Ali Cordoba grumbling? Has he not heard that he who lives by the sword dies by the sword? If Mahathir cannot stand the heat then get out of the kitchen. Simple!

If Ali Cordoba wants to do a so-called political analysis then he has to learn to do it better than the one he did below. His analysis is an amateur job. He should stick to what he knows best and not venture into territory he knows very little about. This is like a nasi lemak seller trying to lecture on the subject of brain surgery.

Mahathir and Anwar have already been seen together in public but that has not translated to more seats for Pakatan Harapan

Ali Corboda said, “…but with it is an RCI with an obvious objective: To nail Mahathir.” So what? Was Mahathir’s crusade against 1MDB not also with an obvious objective, to nail Najib?”

Ali Cordoba also said, “While all RCI’s should be as independent as possible, the current one against Mahathir is rigged with a mysterious approach.” What mysterious approach? Can Ali Cordoba explain with details?

Ali Cordoba added, “The RCI’s chairman Mohd Sidek Hassan apparently replied to Mahathir and former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s request to testify at the hearing, denying them the right to do so.”

Has Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim not already spoken in great length about the RM31.5 billion loss Bank Negara suffered gambling on the forex market? What more do they need to say that they have not already said? Mahathir said losing money is very normal and when you gamble sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Anwar, on the other hand, said that the Bank Negara Governor is to be blamed and that was why he was sacked.

Anwar has already spoken about the Bank Negara forex losses in great detail so what more does he need to tell the RCI?

Is there more Mahathir and Anwar have to say? Have they not already explained everything? What the RCI needs to do is to now find out what really happened and what has not yet been revealed. Mahathir and Anwar had their chance to talk and they have already spoken. It is now the turn of others to speak.

“The RCI judges are not ready to hear Mahathir’s sarcastic responses, and they are not ready to allow Mahathir to be seen together with Anwar at the RCI – an event will strengthen the opposition rather than weaken it. Hence, the RCI is planning its own demise by not allowing both Mahathir and Anwar to testify,” said Ali Cordoba.

The interesting part is where Ali Cordoba said, “…an event will strengthen the opposition rather than weaken it. Hence, the RCI is planning its own demise by not allowing both Mahathir and Anwar to testify.”

In what way will allowing Mahathir and Anwar to be seen together strengthen the opposition? And how will not allowing Mahathir and Anwar to be seen together mean the demise of the RCI?

This Ali Cordoba is either an idiot or he thinks we are. Mahathir and Anwar have already been seen together in public a few times. So how many extra seats are PKR, DAP, PAN and PPBM going to win in the next general election because of that? At the end of the day, all that matters is winning the next general election. And how is the RCI going to die just because Mahathir and Anwar are not allowed to be seen together in public?

Najib had already totally demolished Mahathir in December 2015 during the Umno Assembly so Ali Cordoba is talking nonsense


Why Mahathir’s wit worries Najib

Ali Cordoba

What has Najib learned from Mahathir Mohamad’s smart replies? Surely many things as the former Prime Minister’s cunning replies filled with sarcasm has hurt the image of the Malaysian PM badly.

In a sudden backlash to his wild remarks and unfounded accusations against Mahathir, Malaysia’s PM Najib Razak has suddenly toned down his personal attacks.

Instead, he shifted for a fast forward Royal Commission of Inquiry on a long gone case of forex losses against Mahathir – one of the many that Malaysia has seen – but with it is an RCI with an obvious objective: To nail Mahathir.

While all RCI’s should be as independent as possible, the current one against Mahathir is rigged with a mysterious approach.

The RCI’s chairman Mohd Sidek Hassan apparently replied to Mahathir and former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s request to testify at the hearing, denying them the right to do so.

Today, the former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim slammed Sidek on the Bank Negara’s forex losses for being undecided over the need to call him and Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to testify.

It shows how Najib is afraid of the no-pun-intended answers by Mahathir, who lately have taken Najib to task by replying to him in short but sharp videos.

Take the case of the construction of the transport industry in Malaysia. Najib went – according to him viral – by saying Mahathir has never paid any attention to the woes of the public while his regime never helped in building the local transportation system.

Mahathir’s answer – published here on TISG – was funny, witty and on the dot indication of the intelligence that divides the two leaders.

While Najib wanted to ridicule Mahathir by saying he gave a ‘gift of transportation’ to the Malaysians with the newly built MRT lines, Mahathir replied in his traditional cunning way that he, as PM never laid a stone to build the local LRT lines adding that it was the job of the labourers and workers whom he seemed to quality as the heroes.

The video went viral all over Malaysia, but it irritated Najib so much that he decided to attack Mahathir on the ‘legal’ standpoint.

Thus the RCI was called Illico-Presto to ‘judge and nail’ Mahathir once and for all.

But like the Samsung Note 7 – that was launched in a preemptive manner to attack the Apple 7 launch – the RCI is backfiring.

The public has a clear idea what the RCI is about – if not a demonstration of the lack of judgment by the Najib regime on how to tackle a frail, dying old man.

The idea of Mahathir dying soon was launched recently by Raja Petra Kamarudin, once a prominent pro-opposition blogger and staunch pro-Anwar who has now fallen into oblivion after joining the pro-Najib bandwagon.

Though Raja Petra meant Mahathir’s political inquest against Najib will die soon with the said RCI, Mahathir 91 and is a frail person compared to his hay days.

But Mahathir, dead, will be even more dangerous to Najib.

The RCI judges are not ready to hear Mahathir’s sarcastic responses, and they are not ready to allow Mahathir to be seen together with Anwar at the RCI – an event will strengthen the opposition rather than weaken it.

Hence, the RCI is planning its own demise by not allowing both Mahathir and Anwar to testify.

