It was Tun Razak, not Mahathir, who put Malaysia on the world map

“Trump promised his supporters to bring Hillary Clinton and Loretta Lynch to justice. The US president knows the duo conspired with fired FBI director James Comey and the US DoJ to protect Mrs. Clinton by concealing evidence from the Senate Judiciary Committee. Now, considering that the same players were involved with the 2016 DoJ announcement, do you actually think Trump believes Najib is guilty of anything?”


For the past two years, the DAP has been going around town telling everyone that the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak, was a wanted felon in the United States (US). According to the party’s de facto chief, Lim Kit Siang, Najib was a kleptocrat who defrauded Malaysians by siphoning money from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund.

But not only did the Prime Minister’s recent visit to Washington quash that perception, it proved that the President of the US, Donald J Trump, valued Najib’s friendship and aspired to seek greater cooperation with his administration. And that only made Kit Siang look like a total fool.

Embarrassed, the senior Lim got Liew Chin Tong to shift the conversation by penning an article for Free Malaysia Today (FMT). The Kluang Member of Parliament (MP) got to work immediately and accused Najib of destroying the country’s good name, a name he insisted was “put on the world map” by none other than Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

And that is what prompted this article.

Today, we will attempt to answer key questions that will reveal either one of two things – that Najib is indeed a wanted felon who destroyed the country’s good name, or that Chin Tong is just as big a liar as Kit Siang is and wrote the article in a desperate attempt to redeem the senior Lim’s dignity.

So, without further ado, let us begin.

Does Najib’s US visit have anything to do with 1MDB?

Let’s get one thing straight;

Not only is 1MDB the least of Najib’s concerns, it isn’t even a concern at all. The Prime Minister stopped worrying about the wealth fund the minute he discovered Mahathir’s and Clare Rewcastle Brown’s roles in sabotaging it. Once the conspiracy was uncovered, Najib knew exactly what needed to be done to prevent the fund from collapsing.

As a matter of fact, it may be Mahathir who has some worrying to do.

Members of the US administration are currently in pursuit of evidence pointing to instances of corruption involving the Clinton Foundation. It is only a matter of time before they discover the USD5 million that I accused team Mahathir of funnelling to facilitate an announcement by the US Department of Justice (DoJ). Now, has the former premier ever triggered action pursuant to law against me for making that claim?


And neither has lawyer Matthias Chang, the man I accused of helping Mahathir insert the term Malaysian Official One (MO1) into the DoJ’s 2016 report. Come to think of it, I even accused Matthias of meeting up with Andrew McCabe to hand over top secret government information to the FBI and to solicit the DoJ announcement.

Now, did Matthias or Zeti sue me?


And what about Clare Rewcastle Brown? The Sarawak Report Chief Editor claimed to possess the “smoking gun evidence” to prove Najib’s complicity in siphoning 1MDB funds. Yet, she failed to furnish a London Court even a shred of that evidence to support claims by Sarawak Reportthat Najib solicited political favours from Dato’ Seri Abdul Hadi Awang by offering the latter a RM90 million bribe.

So how can anyone trust what she says anymore?

And if we can’t trust her, how can we trust Mahathir? The former premier went on record to say that his allegations were based largely upon the “smoking gun evidences” Ms. Rewcastle published via Sarawak Report. But if her publications can’t even hold in the court of law, how can we expect them to hold in the court of public opinion?


