In Pakatan’s eyes, Najib is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t!

The Malaysian Observer

One of many mistakes that DAP-led Pakatan has made and still makes is seeing wrong in everything that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak does. In other words the Prime Minister is damn if he does and damn if he doesn’t.

By way of examples; when the Prime Minister instituted the Goods and Sales Tax (GST) the DAP-led Pakatan opposition came down on him hard.  They were so opposed to the GST that they said that they would scrap it within the first 100-days if they come into power.

However after realizing that they had no mean to replace the revenue that the GST generated, Pakatan Harapan not surprisingly made a U-Turn.

No matter if they were admit it or not, this U-turn really meant they agree that Prime Minister Najib Razak made the correct decision in implementing the GST.  As a result of its (GST) success, other nations are looking to also implement the GST.

In Asia, Prime Minster Najib had a very successful trip to China that has the potential of bringing in RM14364 Billion worth of deals to Malaysia.

In addition to China, the Prime Minister also strengthened bilateral ties with Japan the will also be good for the economy of Malaysia.

Further to those mentioned, Prime Minister Najib Razak’s trip to India will provide benefits to both India and Malaysia.

In reviewing the Prime Minister’s China trip, it is quite apparent that DAP-led Pakatan did not want the Prime Minister to be successful. While they did not openly criticize his success there, any investment is a blow to their claim that Malaysia is not a safe place for investment.

There is little doubt that DAP-led Pakatan probably wishes that it was their man or woman who brought in all of the investments.  Had Pakatan Harapan been behind the investments to Malaysia, they would have used it as a banner to show that foreign investors have confidence in them and not the Goverment.  Now the only thing Pakatan can do is try to sabotage, stop and criticize any moves the Prime Minister makes on behalf of Malaysia.

Look at the example of Prime Minister Najib’s White House invitation to meet with President Donald Trump.  Lim Kit Siang tried to get Cabinet to block the Prime Minister from going.


