DAP Banned Beer Sale in Shah Alam. So What?

Selangor has a beer ban policy for nine years running and DAP is all right with the whole situation. DBKL just stopped ONE beer festival from happening and they claim that non-Muslim rights are being trampled on.

Mak Khuin Weng

DAP politicians foaming in the mouth decrying Kuala Lumpur’s decision to not approve the Better Beer Festival should all realize they were the ones who set the precedent for such a thing to happen to begin with.

Let’s go back all the way to 5 December 2008 when former Selangor PAS commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Ali announced that “Beverages with 5.8% alcohol content would be restricted for sale at convenience stores and petrol kiosk shops in Muslim populated neighbourhoods in a bid to curb selling to Muslims.”

READ HERE: Restricted sale of alcohol at Selangor convenience stores

Let it be reiterated that DAP did not oppose this move but instead endorsed it as a Selangor government policy decision. DAP had no problems with it then and this policy still stands in Selangor today.

Given that context, how is DBKL’s decision to not allow a beer festival any more controversial?

Selangor has a beer ban policy for nine years running and DAP is all right with the whole situation. DBKL just stopped ONE beer festival from happening and they claim that non-Muslim rights are being trampled on.

DAP cannot tell others not to do something they have already done and set a precedence for, so what is all this posturing and outrage about a banned beer festival?

If DAP really wants to challenge BN over the beer festival ban, they should be extremely brave and rescind the beer sale ban in Shah Alam, open up the Shah Alam stadium and have a beer festival there.

Bila nak undi bukan Melayu, you talk about non-Muslim rights. Bila nak undi orang Melayu, beer ban in Shah Alam is ok.

Grow up DAP.


Mak Khuin Weng
Former MBPJ councilor 2008 – 2012

