Is Chong unaware that it was Mahathir who robbed Sarawak of much of our rights?

Sarawak DAP leader Chong Chieng Jen is hailing the impending 24th Sep 2017 first ever visit by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to Sarawak in his capacity as the chairman of Pakatan Harapan. Chong said that Tun M is now the person who will save Malaysia from becoming a failed state and that Tun M is the “key element to the CHANGE. Chong called upon Sarawakians to meet and greet Tun M.

I will NOT attend and I will tell you why.

Chong’ s sudden praise of Tun M after calling him evil for so many decades makes me want to vomit. This is hypocritical politicking of the lowest kind that I simply cannot stomach. As a Sarawakian, has Chong forgotten that it was under Tun M that our state fell behind the rest of Malaysia despite our state’s riches? Is he unaware that it was Mahathir who robbed Sarawak of much of our rights? Our oil revenue stolen and given to build his twin towers, his KLIA, his egoistic grand projects in Malaya while Sarawak suffered and fell behind?

It is only this year that Sarawak finally got our own oil company, Petros.

It was Mahathir who stole our Bakun dam where thousands of hectares of Sarawak territory suddenly came under the ownership of the Federal Govt – a sad situation that was only recently reversed based on efforts started by our much-loved late Tan Sri Adenan together with PM Najib.

While Malaya had spanking new highway infrastructure built using our oil wealth, Sarawak was left to suffer with third rate dangerous roads. It is only now under Najib that we have a Pan Borneo Highway that is completely toll free.

To add insult to injury, not only did Mahathir steal our oil but he imposed a 58 sen per liter tax on our petrol refined from our own oil – a practise that was only abolished in 2004 – the year after he retired.

It was Mahathir who gave us toll in 2001 to 2003 – the Lanang Bridge, the ASEAN Bridge, the Tun Salahuddin toll – all reversed and abolished under Adenan in partnership with Najib.

It was Mahathir who unilaterally declared Malaysia as an Islamic state and it was him who amended RUU355 in 1984 to introduce caning punishment and it was him who was so nice to amend the act again in 1989 to extend RUU355 to Sabah and Sarawak.

It was Mahathir who gave us the Cabotage policy that forced Sarawakians to pay higher prices than in Malaya – no doubt that also helped his son who owned shipping companies then. It is only this year that Najib abolished this highly discriminating policy.

It was Mahathir who gambled on the international tin market in the early 1980s that led to the collapse of Malaysia’s tin industry which we have never removed and led us to a bad recession in 1985.

It was Mahathir who made BNM bankrupt in the early 1990s after RM33 billion was lost – never to be recovered, which weakened us again we came under attacked and destroyed our economy in 1997-1998.

Recently, Mahathir conveniently says he “tak tahu” that BNM gambled on FOREX to the tune of hundreds of billions and lost RM33 billion.

Both in the Tin and the FOREX scandal, the EPF accounts of Sarawakians were robbed to bail him out.

It was Mahathri who oversaw our Ringgit dropping from RM2.40 to RM4.80 until he cowardly pegged it to RM3.80 – a huge 60% drop.

And DAP says Mahathir is the one to save Malaysia? We must remember that even in 2015, our beloved Tan Sri Adenan said that Najib has done more for Sarawak than the past 5 Prime Ministers combined.

Adenan reserved particularly strong criticism for this ex-PM of 22 years whom he says had neglected Sarawak and seldom came to visit us . In Mar 2016, Adenan pointed out that Najib had already visited Sarawak 46 times since becoming PM 8 years ago – many more times than Mahathir ever did in his 22 years.

It is telling that 18 months after leaving UMNO and more than one year after forming his racist PRIBUMI party,  Tun M is only now just making his first ever visit. It is also regretful that the top central leadership line-up of Harapan does not even have a single Sarawakian or East Malaysian in it. This shows how much Tun M and Harapan cares about Sarawak.

I will listen to Tan Sri Adenan and I will reject your Tun Mahathir. And Chong, I may even reject you and DAP if you continue to grovel at the feet of and sing praises of this vile creature whom the entire DAP had condemned for decades was the culprit who destroyed Sarawak and Malaysia

No. I will NOT go an greet Mahathir and his circus show with DAP Sarawak. There is no way I can stomach this. Sarawakians were not brought up to be hypocrites. Conversely, I will curse them silently from a distance.

Thank you,

A Sarawakian who still has pride

