There won’t be another Chinese tsunami, or a Malay tsunami, or a youth tsunami

And Pakatan is actually out of capital. They’ve continually tried to win votes by discrediting BN, but offered nothing as an alternative – it’s continually a bashing session without a solution, without an offer of hope.

Hafidz Baharom

Looking at political Malaysia on Facebook, it seems the abstain movement struck a nerve with Pakatan, rather than BN.

Read that as you will.

The truth is that more and more abstentions among the youth would mean Pakatan will have to reinvent itself while Barisan continues with its ruling coalition for yet another decade or so.

And Pakatan is actually out of capital. They’ve continually tried to win votes by discrediting BN, but offered nothing as an alternative – it’s continually a bashing session without a solution, without an offer of hope.

That strategy, has and will only get them this far.

It’s time for big league politics. And this is where Pakatan flounders. All those promises of lower corruption, free education, removing the GST, it was all talk with no bones and flesh when it came to implementation.

And at times, it’s totally contrary. Here’s an example.

You want to have more cops on the street, but aren’t you also advocating a smaller civil service? Are you going to fire people or hire people? And if you hire, it isn’t smaller, is it? And if you fire, you lose the vote bank.

So, which is it?

And that is where they failed, and will continue to fail, until they actually wise up and give voters younger than me a proper plan.

There won’t be another Chinese tsunami, or a Malay tsunami, or a youth tsunami.

The tide – so to speak – is receding.

