Why Chinese do not understand PAS

This is something non-Muslims will never understand. DAP and Malaysian Chinese News view this whole thing as merely an exercise to oust Umno and end Malay-Muslim political domination. And to DAP and Malaysian Chinese News the end justifies the means and they will do anything even if it is immoral, unprincipled, dishonourable, illegal, exploitative, racial, etc., as long as they achieve their objective. PAS, however, looks at the bigger picture. The end game is not to attain political power. Political power is merely the means to an end. The end game is to uphold Islam.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Yesterday, Ong Kian Ming of DAP came out with his opinion piece titled ‘PAS will not be a factor in Selangor in GE14’ (READ HERE), which we responded to in this piece: Kit Siang And Not Mahathir Decides The Future (READ HERE).

Today, Malaysian Chinese News came out with their opinion piece titled ‘Who Would Win In Three-Cornered Fights?’ (READ HERE). Just like in Ong’s analysis yesterday, Malaysian Chinese News also talks about what they expect to happen in Selangor.

On the surface both these analyses look like they are independent and unbiased opinions. However, if you go through what they say with a fine-tooth comb, you can see they are mainly anti-PAS pieces. For example, Malaysian Chinese News said, “Without the Chinese votes and the support of PKR, PAS is likely to retreat to its original spot.”

This is exactly what Ong said yesterday: which is without Chinese votes PAS would never make it in the urban or semi-urban areas of the west coast and will have to revert to being a regional party in the Malay heartland. Both Ong and Malaysian Chinese News have arrived at the same conclusion.

Ong is clearly anti-PAS since he is DAP, and DAP’s ‘brains’ on top of that. And Malaysian Chinese News reveals it is on the same page as Ong when it said, “With all the trouble created by PAS, it would be difficult for Pakatan Harapan to take any of the 12 UMNO seats.”

To the Chinese, if you do not support what they want you are a Taliban

Now, what ‘trouble’ is PAS ‘creating’? Malaysian Chinese News did not explain but it does make references to three-corner fights. This is the same complaint that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Lim Kit Siang raised — that PAS is jeopardising Pakatan Harapan’s chances of marching into Putrajaya by not agreeing to straight fights and by triggering three-corner contests.

So, according to Malaysian Chinese News, PAS is ‘creating trouble’ by not agreeing to straight fights and by triggering three-corner contests. That means PAS is the aggressor while Pakatan is the victim. That also means it is PAS and not Pakatan who is triggering three-corner contests.

But then who ‘owns’ those seats? According to Pakatan, if you had contested those seats in the last general election then you own those seats, even if you did not win those seats. Hence if PAS had contested those seats in the last general election then PAS owns those seats and has every right to contest those seats in the next general election even if they did not win those seats in the last general election.

Now, if PAS contests those seats (because they ‘own’ them), and if Pakatan also contests those seats, is it PAS or Pakatan who is guilty of triggering three-corner contests? If you trespass into my home would that not make you the trespasser? Why are you calling me the trespasser when this is my home and you are trespassing into my home?

Muslims who drink are liberal Muslims and hence are good people in DAP’s playbook

Secondly, DAP was the one who announced that Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists and then announced they have formed Pakatan Harapan and also announced that PAS is not a member of Pakatan Harapan. In short, DAP and Pakatan divorced PAS. Once DAP and Pakatan divorce PAS does that not give PAS the freedom and the right to do as it pleases? Why do DAP and Pakatan insist that PAS still abide to its ‘marriage vows’ when the marriage no longer exists and it was DAP and Pakatan who divorced PAS and not the other way around?

Once a man divorces his wife he no longer has any right to order his ex-wife to stay home and not leave the house and not date other men and so on. Your ex-wife can do as she pleases. In this case, DAP and Pakatan divorced PAS and then insist that PAS act like it is still married to them. What the hell is wrong with these people from DAP and Malaysian Chinese News?

There must be something terribly wrong with their education system if this is how they have been taught how to think. Even a Malay fisherman or farmer understands what talak means. Stop any fisherman or farmer on the street and ask him and he can give you an hour’s lecture on the subject. And then we have PhDs from DAP and Malaysian Chinese News who can’t understand a simple thing like talak.

Malaysian Chinese News said, “PAS has failed to assess its own strength. It is still deep in its Utopian dream and one finds it difficult to track its mindset. Three-cornered fights would be suicidal for the party.”

The next general election is between a Muslim-led coalition and a non-Muslim-led coalition

This is something non-Muslims will never understand. DAP and Malaysian Chinese News view this whole thing as merely an exercise to oust Umno and end Malay-Muslim political domination. And to DAP and Malaysian Chinese News the end justifies the means and they will do anything even if it is immoral, unprincipled, dishonourable, illegal, exploitative, racial, etc., as long as they achieve their objective. PAS, however, looks at the bigger picture. The end game is not to attain political power. Political power is merely the means to an end. The end game is to uphold Islam.

So when political analysts such as those from DAP or Malaysian Chinese News do their analysis they are very far off the mark. They look at things from their perspective and come to the conclusion that PAS is making serious errors. They see PAS as making serious errors in the context of Pakatan Harapan forming the next federal government. That, however, is not important to PAS. Forming the federal government is secondary. Primary is Islam.

PAS, of course, desires political power because, as PAS leaders such as Abdul Hadi Awang, Mustafa Ali, Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, the late Nik Aziz Nik Mat, the late Fadzil Noor, etc., have said, they require political power to uphold Islam. Hence political power is not for the sake of personal power. It is for the sake of empowering Islam. Those from DAP and Malaysian Chinese News, though, want power for personal benefit.

The Chinese will never understand PAS even for another 100 years. And the way they write their analyses reveals this. This is just like how they view things such as beer festivals. The Chinese view it as a matter of human rights while PAS views it as promoting and encouraging sin. How are you ever going to agree on such matters when two people view the same thing from two different perspectives? To PAS people they are Muslims first, Malays second, and Malaysians third. And their political ideology is power to serve Islam and empowering Islam and not power for the sake of power. So Chinese should stop trying to figure PAS out unless they can stop thinking like Chinese and start thinking like Muslims.

