Pakatan Using Fear Tactic to Force PAS Back!

However, accusing the PAS President of bribery has backfired as Clare Rewcastle-Brown did not anticipate was Haidi Awang asking his lawyers to bring her to court over her claim; a claim which she failed to prove.

(The Malaysian Observer) – Has anyone else noticed Pakatan’s latest’s tactic using the fear factor to force PAS back into the fold?

This is the most recent ploy used after DAP-led Pakatan’s De facto leader Lim Kit Siang was unsuccessful in trying to lure PAS back into the fold.  After that attempt failed, Clare Rewcastle-Brown the editor and chief of Sarawak Report went on the attack and accused Datuk Seri Hadi Awang of accepting a bribe.  Allegedly the bribe was supposed to be connected to funds from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Sarawak Report wanted Malays to think that, if the Prime Minister is accused of taking 1MDB money and PAS President Hadi Awang accepts illegal 1MDB money then he is also tainted.

However, accusing the PAS President of bribery has backfired as Clare Rewcastle-Brown did not anticipate was Haidi Awang asking his lawyers to bring her to court over her claim; a claim which she failed to prove.

While the dream was being played out in the London court, a Muslim face of DAP-led Pakatan was sent to again encourage PAS President Hadi Awang to bring PAS back into the fold; an effort that was also met with failure.

Seeing that the direct approach was getting them (DAP-led Pakatan) nowhere, a new tactic was put into play; using ‘fear’ to scare PAS into returning.

DAP-led Pakatan wants PAS to fear losing ‘political power’.

Articles have started to appear with the sole purpose of making PAS fearful about their prospects in the upcoming 14th general election.

An article in Berita daily reads: research house says ‘Opposition Bickering Good for BN’.

Another article which is cause fear in the PAS rank and file appeared in the Malaysia Chinese news under the heading ‘PAS may lose heavily in a three-cornered fight’.

Trying to add to PAS fear, there is the following article that mentions how ‘PAS will not be a factor in Selangor’.


